
发布时间:2022-07-13 09:25:09 阅读:219 点赞:0


关于”文化对教育影响“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The influence of culte on Education。以下是关于文化对教育影响雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of culte on Education

Most of them will nr give up their time in college. When you are tired and do a lot of things in fnt of you, they will become lazy in their study and study You have to find a way to solve the pblem. You may feel that you are very busy instead of escaping.

Joining some companies is a direct way to give you job opportunities. You will feel very sweet after solving some pblems. You can learn a lesson fm it.

The second way is to work part-time. We know that if we go out of school to do part-time work, we can not only ench o eyes, but also ench o vision The last way to make money is to devote yoself to the society. You can go to the welfare home or orpha to the disabled.

You will feel happy. Whether yo family life is happy or not depends on yoself.




At present, the neork moral pblems of college students are becoming increasingly pminent, and the neork moral pblems of college students are becoming increasingly pminent, which is and harmful to the society. The emergence of vaous neork moral pblems will inevitably have a negative impact on Modern College Students' seous dependence on the Internet. As a college student, we can not stop the emergence of some rubbish culte or some polluted information, If we don't, we should have a good self-contl ability.

Fm my appearance, the spread of Internet junk culte will cse the conflict of College Students' values. What we should do is to strenen the neork moral education, so that those students who are addicted to the neork and junk culte can wake up the harmfulness of the neork, and effectively impve the quality of neork educators, Let students realize the necessity of moral education, strenen the mament of students' neork behavior, do these, college students' neork morality will be better and better.




The ppose of information is to make people confused and confused. I partly agree with the thor that a large amount of useless information can sometimes make people lose their way and can't think deeply about this pblem. It tns out that whether the question is ght or wng has always been a contversial issue.

"Yes" refers to the fact that the GRE statement "yes" states the ppose of wting education. Some people may say that education is The ppose of education should be to an academic envinment completely independent of the outside world, becse they think that this situation can make students concentrate on their academic research work, rather than in fact, this pposal is tubled by practical pblems, which is harmful to scientific research work. Some people think that the ppose of education is to an academic envinment completely isolated fm the outside world In fact, it is harmful to scientific research that students can concentrate on the actual situation and eliminate the influence of external interference on academic research.

The thor belis that in order to understand one's own culte, one must at least understand another culte which is quite different fm one's own. As for one culte, I don't agree with the thor. The thor thinks that knowledge of another culte can us to really understand o own culte.

But I don't agree with this view. Culte is a kind of "this kind of pposition" and "thor", which is what happened in the past As history is called, it is a great wealth to us. Only thugh the study of the past, can we oain valuable expeence and use it as a means to guide the dlopment of o society.

History is made up of past nts. It is the precious wealth of . Only by thoughly studying the past can we oain valuable expeence fm history.

Expeence is a means to guide the new dlopment of social pets.




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