
发布时间:2022-03-25 16:12:23 阅读:329 点赞:0


关于”使命感“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Sense of mission。以下是关于使命感专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sense of mission

If you take yo old neighbor's food up the stairs, obviously it's good for her, but do you know it's good for you, too? Studies have shown that people who have been ing others have lower lls of depression, calmer, less pain and better health, and they can n live longer. Doing good can make you feel good, which may (a) remind you that you are relatively lucky (b) make you feel connected to others, (c) you feel needed and effective, (d) temporaly remove yo heart fm yo own wores, make you feel geneus, and make yo sense of mission and meaning disappear. Consider these tips for ing others and yoself: (a) don't feel like you have to make a great geste or a huge time commitment, Help can mean serving meals at a homeless shelter ry week, but it can also mean: (b) calling a fend to see how she's doing, (c) pviding breakfast for yo spouse in bed, (d) getting a car in fnt of you to dve up on the freeway (E) iling at strangers on the street (f) pulling elevator doors for yo colleagues (g) being careful about taking on too much, or you'll At the sk of being asked to do a favor and feeling resentful, think about it before you agree.




Today's commuters may travel almost ry day. In some countes, they will meet different people and things on the bus or subway. There are n carages specially prepared for young people.

The ppose is to pvide them with opportunities to know the opposite . Travel can you fige out what you want to do with yo life: expose yoself to new places, people and culte It can awaken yo sense of mission. Learning about the world can you decide what you feel and what is different, especially to people realize that there is no way to live a lifetime.

Every culte is different. If you wait to see it later, ryone in these cultes is different. In life, you sk too late to realize yo potential Risk, don't let the opportunity to explore the world fm a young age.

It pmotes yo independence (and hones yo svival skills): flying, tracking yo passport, and sailing in forei cities all force you to stand up and make quick decisions. Yo comfort zone really makes a person think independently. It eliminates the resentment of life in the fute: how often do you hear that you are bigger than you A lot people comment on how they should do things when they are young.

No one wants to sit in a cking chair at such an age, hoping that they can travel when they have the opportunity. Someone or something prnted you fm traveling once. Now the opportunity to expeence the world is important than any excuse you don't go.

What's worth it is that you will be very happy to have these memoes in yo fute life. I beli that any family with only one child now will be willing to pvide the best conditions for them. As a result, the age of children studying abad has become younger and younger, so as not to let them lose on the starting line.

Many parents send their children to study abad becse their children have forei nationality They can enjoy free education in public pmary schools and choose to study abad freely. It is much easier for them to apply to world famous universities such as Harvard. The tuition fee is only one tenth of this fige when applying in China/.




On behalf of o school holiday, I would like to extend my congratulations to all the students and wish you a happy holiday. I also take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and high respect to all the teachers. Yo teachers are not only respected, but also hardworking gardeners.

You love yo school like home. For example, diligent teaching and selfless dedication have d yo betiful envinment, and you have d a good quality, For yo dlopment and gwth to a good foundation and conditions, students, "you are the hst Festival", is also o hst day: you are the children's home, is hoping that the happiness of the family can let you gw up at home, the children full of lghter are yo school, I hope yo school can dlop into a comprehensive school full of vitality and vitality You are the fute of the society. It is the wish of the society.

The passion and the flower of fendship that you can dlop harmoniously in the society is yo home and the hope of the motherland. You can gw up healthily and healthily, full of betiful homeland and hope. I hope students: civilized, studious, independent, cooperative learning college, life college, study life, learn to and be as responsible as s , have a sense of mission, live a diified life, work hard, study happily, gw up, love the motherland, the party, the people, nate, life, science, study and labor, chesh life, chesh time, fendship, chesh life, have the opportunity to learn and dlop, care about the envinment, care about the collective, care about others, dear teachers, students unite and treat others politely I hope teachers: work, love health, explore gously, fully implement the party's education policy, teach and teach at the same time, firmly establish awareness, quality awareness and quality awareness for ry student, and chesh ry opportunity in education To better each class, do rything, pmote the healthy, harmonious and all-und dlopment of ry student, and lay a solid foundation for the dlopment of students' life..


我代表我校放假向所有同学表示祝贺,祝大家节快乐‰我也借此机会向所有老师表示衷心感谢和崇高敬意,您老师不仅受到尊敬,更是辛勤园丁热爱您学校如家,如分爱生勤奋,勤奋教学和无私奉献造就了你美丽环境,你创造了良好品质,为你发展和成长创造了良好基和条件,同学们,“你是最快乐节”,也是我们最快乐一天:你是孩子家,是希望家里幸福能让你在家里长大,家里充满欢声笑语孩子们都是你学校,希望你学校能发展成为一所综合充满生机和活力学校,你就是社会未来,它是社会愿望,你能在社会和谐发展和友谊花儿是你家园,是祖国希望你能健康茁壮成长,充满美好家园和希望‰希望同学们:文明、好学、、合作学习学院、生活学院,学习生活,学会创造像成年人一样富有责任感,富有使命感,有尊严生活,认真工作,快乐学习,成长爱祖国、爱党、爱、爱自然、爱生命、爱科学、爱学习、爱劳动珍惜生命,珍惜时间,珍惜友谊,珍惜生命有机会学习和发展,关心环境,关心集体,关心他人亲爱老师,同学们团结一致,礼貌待人,明辨是非,辨别是非,正直做人,做人端庄做人,学习和良好身心健康是主义事业人 我希望老师们:工作、热爱健康、严谨探究全面贯彻党教育方针,教、教并举,为每一个学生牢固树立服务意识、质量意识和质量意识,一个教育珍惜每一个机会,更好地上每堂课,做每一件事,促进每一个学生健康,和谐,全面发展为学生生活打下坚实发展基。。


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