
发布时间:2022-06-15 10:25:55 阅读:683 点赞:0


关于”倾听者好处“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The benefits of a listener。以下是关于倾听者好处四级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of a listener

It is very important to be a good listener. Effective listening is not just about avoiding interrupting other people's bad habits when they're talking. It's about being content to listen to all the other people's thoughts, rather than waiting impatiently for yo response.

Slowing down yo reaction speed and becoming a better listener will you become a amiable person when you wait for the end of the person you're talking to, becse you're just focused Listening to what the other person is saying makes you feel relaxed. Therefore, the person you are talking to will not only become a better listener, but also impve yo relationship with others, becse ryone likes to talk to someone who really listens to what they are saying, and you can easily become a better listener if you can make yoself and imagine yoself understand the words in the speaker's expeence The emotion behind you, and then slowly give yo apppate response, you will become a popular listener.




I beli that I am still a better listener than I was ten years ago. Effective listening is than avoiding the bad habit of interrupting others while they are speaking or completing sentences. Instead of waiting impatiently for yo chance to respond in some way, the way we don't listen is a symbol of o way of life.

We often think of communication as a , just as o goal is in what we call people's sentences There is no time gap beeen the o ends. Since we started to have o own life, my wife and I recently had lunch in a coffee shop, eavesdpping on the conversation aund us. It seems that no one is really listening to each other, but taking tns not to listen to another person.

I asked my wife if I still did it, with a ile on my face, and she said, "just sometimes" slow down yo reaction and become a better listener, which s you become a peaceful person. If you think about it carefully, you will find that sitting at the edge of yo seat trying to guess what the person in fnt of you or on the phone is doing. It takes a lot of ener and presse to say so that you can respond to yo response.

But when you wait for the person you are communicating with to finish, you just need to listen attentively to what the other person is saying, and you will find that the presse you feel is gone, and you will feel it immediately To be relaxed, the people you are talking to will feel safe and slow down their response, becse they will not feel the "badcast time" competing with you. It will not only make you a better listener, make you patient, but also impve the quality of yo interpersonal relationship. Everyone likes to talk with someone who really listens to what they are saying Effective adjective symbolic adjective gap n eavesdp via tn n slow fire, concentrate on impving the playback time.



如果你仔细想想,你会发现坐在你座位边上试图猜测你面前或电话里人在什么,这需要很大精力,压力很大说这样你就可以回击你回应,但是当你等待与你沟通人说完时,你只需更用心地倾听对方所说话,你会发现你感受到压力消失了,你会立刻感到更加放松,与你交谈会感到安全,放慢自己速度回应,因为他们不会感觉到与你竞争“广播时间”,不仅会让你成为一个更好倾听者,让你变得更有耐心,也会提高你人际关系质量每个人都喜欢和一个真正倾听自己所说话人交谈适当形容词有效形容词象征形容词间隙n窃听vion tn n n减速击,全神贯注地提高播放时间。


When we are happy, we will like to share o happiness with others, let them know o happiness, but when we are in a bad mood, we will worry about a lot of things. At this moment, we need a person who can listen to us. It is not easy to be a listener.

People always complain about their tubles. The listener must do this job well Just listen to them, but also learn to comfort them. Being a good listener can us make good fends with others and get high praise fm fends.

A person who always listens to others will be very easy-going. People like to make fends with them. When they encounter difficulties, their fends are willing to them fm now on.

Let us learn to be considerate and considerate My sweetheart.




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