
发布时间:2022-05-27 07:15:01 阅读:362 点赞:0


关于”回家“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:get home。以下是关于回家xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:get home

Recently, there was a heated discussion in o class about whether to review at home or at school. Students think that it is better to review at home than at school. Second, it is good for us.

We can have enough free time to rest and study. There will be no interference at home. But students think that we should not review first.

When we review at school, we can ask the old man at any time Second, at school, o teachers can lead us to review the knowledge we don't understand. Third, at home, yo parents, TV, comr and other things may interfere with you. I think reviewing at school is better than reviewing at home, becse school can you solve pblems quickly, and school is a good place to learn.




The Mid Autumn Festival is coming soon. For young people, it's time for them to go home. They are with their families in China.

Most young people are far away fm home when they are working. They are fighting for their fute. At the same time, they don't have much time to visit their parents.

We should often go home and spend time talking with o families. Recently, with the advent of the Mid Autumn Festival, some people have done a svey. In order to understand the time when young people and their parents are together, it is said that most young people leave their parents and move away after graduation fm University.

Since then, they have less time to visit their parents. Most people go home less than once a month Young people spend about a month with their parents. If young people know that time is limited, they will seize the time and go home often.




Everyone needs fends. A fend can us and share o difficulties and happiness. But how can we make fends first? You must be fendly to others, ile at others, and you will get a ile in retn.

You should try to make a stranger feel at home, no matter who he is, not yoself, nr judge people by ouard appearance. Secondly, when you disagree with a person, fends should negotiate rather than quarrel. Finally, please discuss with him.

Don't trust those who leave you when you are in tuble, and don't leave yo fends when he is in tuble. Remember, fends in need are fends. Indeed, fends should be loyal to each other.

As long as you put the interests of fends ahead of you, you will have a lot of good Fends).




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