
发布时间:2022-06-26 12:31:06 阅读:271 点赞:0




On December, when the sea suddenly disappeared and people were still indulging in the happiness of Chstmas, the stng earthquake in Indonesia immediately tggered a stng tsunami. Phuket Island, a famous toust resort in Thailand, which is known as the paradise on earth, has become a hell on earth for those rescued fm the disaster. This is essentially a peaceful Chstmas holiday.

When some people have just passed away fm death, they will have a peaceful Chstmas holiday When tousts passing by talk about their expeence, it is a kind of unforgettable shadow. They have not recovered fm the shock. This is a terble expeence of a female jonalist: on December, the sea suddenly disappeared, and Yi Linyang, a female reporter of the Straits Times, and her huand-in-law were on holiday in Phuket Island before the tsunami, but they were diving in the monkey beach.

When they were ready to leave by boat, it was strange Yes, they saw that the sea suddenly disappeared, the boat ran agund in the reeds, and there was a diving fish here. No one had seen it before. Everyone was scared to death, becse ryone didn't realize what had happened.

The sea water sged forward and came back. Huge waves came straight fm a distant place. Yilinyang's heart was still flutteng in fear.

She said: we ted o best Run, no one knows how far the water will chase us. Do you think this is the first site of the tsunami in Indonesia.




=Chinatown is located in the lower part of Manhattan south of New York City Street is the center, including Kennedy street, Lafayette street, disclose street = Park Street, Bowie street and East Badway street. It is only a stone's thw away fm the city government and wall street. The world's most famous international financial center is not far away.

It is also adjacent to Badway. The supeor geographical location of the world performing arts center makes it the hub of New York City. It means that Chinese Amecans settle down in addition to Wall Street The Chinatowns in big cities outside the Taiwan Strait are very common.

Due to the special histocal conditions in China and Southeast Asia at that time, or the restctions of the special laws and regulations of China and Southeast Asia at that time, the Chinese people or people in Southeast Asia were phibited fm buying land in specific areas The first generation of Chinese immigrants.


=Chinatown唐人街位于纽约市曼哈顿南端下城,范围以Don't Street为中心,包括肯尼迪街、拉菲耶特街、披露街=公园街、鲍伊街和东百老汇大街,距离市、华尔街仅一箭之遥,世界上最著名国际金融中心,就在不远处,它还毗邻百老汇,世界演艺中心优越地理位置使她成为纽约枢纽地位它是指华裔人定居在除海峡两岸以外大城市唐人街是非常普遍由于当时和东南亚地区特殊历史条件或当时东南亚地区,由于当时和东南亚地区特殊法律和法规限制,人或是东南亚地区人在购买土地时就受到了禁止允许人在特定地区购买土地,形成了第一代华裔移民聚居地。


The exam is an ho long and consists of multiple questions and answers coveng the entire history of the world fm ancient times to the present, including all habitable continents. It also covers all areas of history: political and diplomatic knowledge, culte, socio-economic chnolo, mateals, history and civilization to the common era (CE to CE post CE CE CE css decade geographic information covers Eupe, Afca, Southeast Asia, South and Southeast Asia, and the Amecas (excluding the United States) globally or comparatively.


考试时长一小时,由多个问答题组成,涵盖世界从古到今全部历史,包括所有可居住大陆。它还涵盖了所有历史领域:和外交知识文化,社会经济年代学材料历史和文明到xx年共同纪元(CE到CE CE后CE跨年代地理资料涵盖了欧洲、、东南亚、南亚和东南亚、美洲(不包括)全球或比较。


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