
发布时间:2022-03-21 07:38:05 阅读:241 点赞:0


关于”化社会“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Information society。以下是关于化社会考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Information society

Information and my life as you know, information plays an important le in o modern society. Some people say that we are an information society. I agree with him.

In fact, as a member of modern society, information is gwing at a faster and faster speed. I fully realize the importance of information to my life. It almost affects all aspects of my life.

So what Getting and pcessing information is the most important thing for me. For me, the first way to get information is to go to the library. O library is too big.

It covers a wide range of subjects. All kinds of information can be used. Of cose, social, economic, political and scientific information will give you a new thinking.

Library is not the only soce of information. I can learn a lot of information thugh other ways, n with fends Chatting, I can also get a lot of useful information, but the information is so huge that we don't have enough ener and time to deal with it deeply, and some information may not be true. How to choose information is also very important to me.

I beli that only three out of ten people can get accate information and eliminate the false parts. O goal should be to make full use of information in my present life. After I enter the society a few years later, I will try my best to use it mainly for learning.

Information may become and important.





(information and my life) as you know, information plays an important le in o modern society. Some people say that we are an information society. I agree with him.

In fact, as a member of modern society, information is gwing at a faster and faster rate. I fully realize the importance of information to my life. It affects almost ry aspect of my life, such as How to oain and pcess information seems to me the most important.

The first way to get information is to go to the library. O library is too big. It covers a wide range of subjects.

All kinds of information can be oained in it. Information about society, economy, politi and science will give you a new thinking. Of cose, library is not the only soce of information I can learn a lot of information thugh other ways.

Even if I chat with fends, I can get a lot of useful information, but the information is so huge that we don't have enough ener and time to deal with it deeply. In addition, some information may not be true, and how to choose information is also important to me. I beli that only three out of ten people can get accate information and eliminate the false parts.

O goal should be to make full use of information in my present life. After I enter the society a few years later, I will try my best to use it mainly for learning. Information may become and important.





My school studies in No.1 middle school, where there are three grades and 32 classes. It's not big, but it's betiful. In the center of the school there is a new teaching building, a laboratory building and a library.

In the east of the new building, there are all kinds of books in the library. You can collect them at will. There is a playgund in the south of the new building.

It is very big on the playgund. You can play basketball as much as you like on the fo basketball cots in o school.





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