
发布时间:2022-09-03 06:44:23 阅读:141 点赞:0


关于”家乡变化“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Changes in hometown。以下是关于家乡变化xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Changes in hometown

Changes in Li Ming's hometown Li Ming is a student. In the past, people lived in a low, narw, dark house. They grew their cps by farm animals.

Most of the children don't get a good education. The students study in an old school. But now, great changes have taken place in his hometown.

Living conditions have impved. Lotts can live in a tall and bght building. They can gw cps with the of agcultal machinery.

Most of the children can receive good education. Students can study in modern schools. The classom is very wide and bght.

Students can also study online. With the efforts of the government, people can enjoy leise activities. Li Ming's hometown is getting better and better.





I used to live in a all town sunded by trees. There were no tall buildings. The only street was very narw.

Just outside the town, there was a ver. You could see all kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People lived a life here.

Great changes have taken place here. Here you can see tall buildings, department stores and factoes. There are all kinds of cars and buses running on the street, But with the dlopment of industry, we have fewer and fewer trees.

Air and water pollution is becoming and seous. We must take meases to stop pollution and make o town betiful.




My hometown used to be a backward place, becse there are deep mountains, no betiful buildings, narw and dirty ads, people live a poor life, but in recent years, with the dlopment of society, my hometown has undergone great changes, now the ad is wider and wider, there are many different cars and buses on the ad, trees and flowers planted on both sides of the ad, they can give We pvide oxygen, fight against pollutants, make the sky cleaner and bghter, you can see many modern and betiful buildings rywhere, living conditions are impving, people are enjoying a comfortable life.




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