
发布时间:2022-07-27 10:41:41 阅读:597 点赞:0




Xiao Wang, Wu Dan, Xiao Wang, I have to go home ght now, becse my father called me just now. He said that my mother is very ill and we need to take her to the hospital. I'm sorry to tell you that maybe I can't go to the airport to see you off tomorw.

I wish you a happy joney, Wu Dan pet.




The bus bke down it snowed heavily on Monday morning. Li Hua was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. After a while, she did not go to school.

A bus came and she got on the bus. There are many passengers on the bus. Some are talking.

Some people look out of the window and the car stops. The dver tns aund and says, "sorry, the car is bken. Please get out of the car and push it out." Heang this, Li Hua and other passengers got off the bus together.

They worked hard together. Soon, the bus started again. All the passengers were iling and the sun was shining.


公共汽车坏了 星期一早上下着大雪,李华在公共汽车站等公共汽车,等了一会儿不去上学,一辆公共汽车来了,她上了车。车上有许多乘客,有些人在说话,有些人从窗户往外看车停了,司机转过身来说:“对不起,车坏了,请下车帮忙推一下车。”听到这话,李华和其他乘客一起下车,他们一起努力工作,很快,公共汽车又开动了,所有乘客都微笑着,阳光灿。


Hear what the LORD says. Ase, Ye mountains, and hear thy voice. Hear the stfe of the Lord, O mountains, and the firm foundations of the earth.

For the Lord contended with his people. He will plead with Israel, O my people, as a witness of what I have done to you, that I have weaed you; I have bught you up fm the land of Ept and redeemed you fm the house of yo servants; and I have sent Moses, Aan and Miam before you. Now therefore remember Balak king of Moab, and Balaam the son of Beor, who answered him fm tim to Gilgal, so that you may know where the ghteousness of the Lord is, and that you may come to the Lord and worship before the most high God.

I will offer a year old calf and a bnt offeng. The Lord will accept thousands of rams or the oil of thousands of vers. I will give you my firstborn, the fruit of my body, becse of my sin and becse of my sin.

Man, it is good that the Lord asks of you, except ghteousness, love, humility, walking with yo God, and the voice of the Lord ces out to the city. The wise will see yo name and hear the sound of the staff. But I will keep in the house of the wicked the treases of unghteousness and abominable devices in the house of the wicked; you shall count them clean with the scales of the wicked and with deceitful weights, for the ch of them are full of violence, and the inhabitants of them speak lies, and their tongue is deceitful in their mouth.

Therefore I will make you sick, and I will kill you, and I will make you desolate becse of yo sins; you may eat, but you cannot eat; you will be satiied, and you will be tdden down in yo midst. You want to catch it, but you can't rescue it. I will deliver to the sword what you have saved.

You will plant, but you shall not reap. You shall trample on olives, and you shall not anoint you with oil or sweet wine, but you shall not dnk wine; for the statutes of Om are all the works of the house of Ahab, and you will listen to their counsel; I will make you desolate, and the inhabitants of it will scorn. Therefore bear the repach of my people.









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