
发布时间:2022-06-10 07:58:42 阅读:348 点赞:0




One sunny afternoon, when I de home happily, I heard the voice of "". When I de to the ver, I found a boy about five years old struggling to jump into the water. He swam to the boy and dragged him to the ver.

The boy said that he wanted to catch a fish near the ver bank and accidentally fell into the water. I asked him where his home was and sent him home "thank you very much." 。 The boy's parents said that when I left his home, although I came home late, I was very happy.




The guy who dnks like a fish has a dinner party for people off work, including his boss. Dung the dinner, the host's three-year-old girl stares at her father's boss sitting opposite her. The girl could hardly eat her food.

The man checked his tie, touched his face for food, patted his hair, but nothing could stop her stang at him. He ted to iore her, but finally he asked her, "Why are you stang at me?" Everyone at the table noticed her behavior, and the table quieted down to wait for her response. The little girl said, "my dad said you dnk like a fish, and I don't want to miss it.".





Once a fox saw a cw flying down with a piece of cheese in his mouth and stopped on a branch suitable for me, becse I am a fox, "said Renard. He went under the tree and said good night, Mrs. cw.

He ced and said how betiful you look today: how ooth yo feathers are, how bght yo eyes are. I beli yo voice must be better than other people's Good birds, just like yo fige, let me hear only one of yo songs. I can salute you.

As the queen of birds, the cw raised her head and be to shout hello. But as soon as she opened her mouth, the cheese fell on the gund. As a result, fox ed it away.

He said that I only want to exchange it for yo cheese. I will give you a piece of advice. Don't trust flatterers in the fute.




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