
发布时间:2022-05-30 12:58:16 阅读:407 点赞:0




One night, a young drummer went to the country alone. He came to a lake by the lake. He saw three pieces of white linen beside the lake.

He said, "what a nice linen." He put a piece in his pocket and went home. He did not think about what he found any . He went to bed when he was about to go to bed.

He felt as if someone was saying his name. He heard a gentle voice calling him, "drummer, drummer, wake up." becse it was a dark night. He could not see anyone, but he seemed to have a fige Wandeng aund the bed, "what do you want?" he asked, "give me my clothes back," the voice replied, "what you took fm me by the lake last night." "you'll give it back to me," drummer said, "if you can tell me who you are." "ah," the voice replied, "I'm the dghter of a fendly king, but I've fallen into one In the witch's hand, I'm locked up in the glass mountain, and I bathe in the lake with my o sisters ry day, but I can't fly back.

My sisters have left without my clothes, but I'm forced to stay behind. I beg you to give me my clothes back. "Don't be excited, poor boy," said the drummer, "I'll give it back to you." He took it out of his pocket and reached into her hand in the dark, and she ed it away.

"Stop, maybe I can you." you can only me climb up the glass mountain and liberate me fm the witch's power, but you can't come to the glass mountain. If you are close to it, you can't get on it. "When I want to do something, I can always do it," said the drummer, "I am." "I'm sorry, I'm afraid of nothing, but I don't know the way to the glass mountain." "this ad goes thugh the big forest, where the cannibals live," she replied, "and importantly, I dare not tell you," and then he heard her wings trembling as she flew away.





There was a pirate captain who, after observing this behavior for sral months, would change into a red shirt whenr a battle was imminent. One of the crew members asked him, "if I'm shot, I don't want yo crew to go mad at the sight of blood." "that's very wise, sir." the crew found eight enemy ships on the hozon. The captain suddenly looked very concerned "Take my bwn pants" joke humor.




It was Sunday yesterday. I went to Huangshan by bus with my father, mother, grandparents and elder bther. When we went down the mountain in the morning, I saw that the trees were luxiant and wild flowers were in full bloom.

We climbed up the mountain along the mountain ad and walked to the middle of the mountain. I felt a little tired. My shoes were bken.

My father told me not to give up halfway, so I insisted on the top of the mountain, the scenery on the top of the mountain So betiful. Since then, I've kept these shoes and I'm happy.




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