
发布时间:2022-06-22 11:01:01 阅读:123 点赞:0


关于”游动物园“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Visit the zoo。以下是关于游动物园中考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Visit the zoo

I went to the zoo on Sunday morning. My parents took me to the zoo. We didn't go there for a long time last week.

My clasates told me that the zoo added some interesting entertainment facilities. I was very cious, so I asked my parents to take me there. They pmised us to arve there at o'clock.

There were many people, most of them parents and children. We went to see my favote animal part, and then watched the animal show The elephant, tiger, lion and monkey gave us a wonderful performance. People were very happy, especially the children after us.

We went to the entertainment facilities. My mother was too afraid to be with us, so only my father and I had a very exciting time, but I was a little dizzy. I was very happy that this was a great day.




My family hasn't been out for a long time, becse my father has been very busy, but last week, my father finally finished his plan so that he can have a rest. My father suggested that we go to the zoo. I was so excited becse I didn't see many animals in the zoo in my life.

There were so many people. It was too busy. I saw monkeys, giraffes and so on.

I usually see these animals on TV. But that day I saw them in fnt of me. The peacock left a deep impression on me.

It looked on the gund, but when it was on the gund, it looked When they stood up and spread their wings, people said peacock was very pud. Really, I had a good time in the zoo, which was not very nice.




It's fine on June 3, Sunday. It's sunny and sunny today. My clasate Zhang Hong and I visited Beijing Zoo.

The animals there are very interesting and ryone likes them. When I saw a toist thwing food at a monkey, I ran / ran to stop him and said that animals are o good fends and we must take good care of them: Unforgettable zoo time.




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