
发布时间:2022-06-15 10:31:42 阅读:351 点赞:0


关于”吸烟有害健康“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:oking is bad for yo health。以下是关于吸烟有害健康xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:oking is bad for yo health

Smoking is harmful to o health. It may lead to cancer or other diseases. Hundreds of people get sick fm oking ry year.

Some people n die fm oking. Few people like to stay with okers becse oking has many hazards. Smokers should get d of this bad habit.

When you want to oke, you can change it bit by bit, eat some nuts or sugar, too There are some interesting things you can do to divert yo attention. It's very dangeus for us to quit oking for yo health. Smokers just want to give it a try, but they oke and times.

When they want to quit, they can't quit. This habit is so stng that it's hard to get d of it. Some people have cancer.

Some people die of cancer. No one likes to be with okers for a long time. Their families have been oking.

For the health of you and yo family, please stop oking.




The harm of oking may be a please for some people. Medical scientists have expressed their concern about the health effects of oking, not only for okers, but also for people living in the air polluted by tobacco oke. Studies have shown that nonokers suffer than okers themselves.

Many students have joined the ranks to try to persuade universities to ban oking in theaters, cinemas and other public places. Therefore, oking must be banned in o classoms. Although many people die of excessive oking, we call on people to stop oking.

Howr, people will refuse what we say ry day. I think it is important to call on okers to use correct judent, And show concern for others.




It is estimated that in China, okers account for half of the total population. Smokers are getting younger and younger, including some middle school students. Now and people realize that oking is harmful to people's health.

Some people still like oking becse some of them think that oking is a fashion, some think oking is fun, while others think that oking can actually make people feel better I am in high spits. Smoking is a bad habit. It can cse many diseases.

At the same time, oking is a waste of money. In addition, careless okers may cse dangeus fires. Smoking is harmful and harmful, which is harmful not only to okers themselves, but also to non-okers.

Therefore, I hope all the okers can give up oking for themselves and the people nd them and oke healthily.




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