
发布时间:2022-03-29 11:04:25 阅读:402 点赞:0


关于”外貌对人生影响“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The influence of appearance on life。以下是关于外貌对人生影响高考英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of appearance on life

The longer I live, the I realize the impact of attitude on my life. For me, attitude is important than facts, important than the past, important than education, important than money, important than the envinment, important than faile, important than success, than what others think, say or do, important than appearance, talent, or it can determine a company, a chch, a home. It is worth noting that ry day we can choose the attitude we are going to accept.

Becse that day we can't change o past, we can't change the fact that people will act in a certain way, we can't change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is to take advantage of one of o existing stngs, which is o attitude. I beli that life is what happened to me and my reaction to it, so we are responsible for yo attitude.





Attitude the longer I live, the I realize the impact of attitude on life. For me, attitude is important than facts, important than the past, important than education, than money, than envinment, than faile, than success, important than other people's ideas, said or done than appearance, talent, or it can determine the success or faile of a company, a chch, a home. It is worth noting that we have a choice attitude ry day, becse that day we We can't change o past, we can't change the facts, people will act in some way, we can't change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is to play with one of o existing stngs. That's o attitude. I firmly beli that life is like this.

It's what happened to me and my reaction to it, so for you, we have to contl o attitude%%.




(success and faile) faile is the mother of success. Sometimes people have to deal with many mistakes and failes in order to get to the final of success, while others may succumb to faile. They tend to retreat and pay in their efforts.

Success often gives people confidence and satiaction. Howr, the company that fails bngs pain and sadness. It seems that people must learn fm ry expeence Success doesn't always fall on Haydn.

I remember that when I was in high school, I failed in the vobay exam. I could not remember the new words. I had pblems ry day.

I almost decided to give up English. But I had to thank one of my neighbor's clasates who had sent me a all list at the end of the semester. I found that I had finished reading my vocabulary book, which became a new force in reading English.

Then I realized that a new word came and left o brain sral times. No one is born with a talent for success. Success often comes after a sees of s and failes.

Of cose, success bngs confidence and victory, but life is not always easy and comfortable. In real life, it is difficult than relaxed. We may have to face some failes.

Therefore, those who learn how to deal with and ende faile will ntually taste success.






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