
发布时间:2022-06-29 06:49:28 阅读:90 点赞:0


关于”会计自我介绍“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Accounting self intduction。以下是关于会计自我介绍考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Accounting self intduction

Good morning / good afternoon, my dear teacher / pfessor. I am very happy / happy to be here for this interview. My name is XXX.

I am xxx years old. I come fm XXX, a very betiful and lovely city. I am learning xxin about my personality.

I am diligent and responsible. Once I decide what to do, I am willing to others. I will pay attention to ry detail of it and do my best Make it perfect.

As a result, I often get praise fm people nd me, which encoages me to move on. In addition, in my spare time, I like playing basketball and swimming, which s me to have a healthy body in the past university. I spent most of my time in learning knowledge.

Becse of my efforts, I easily passed CET-4 and CET-6, ranking the second in the whole school. Moreover, I have ed the basic knowledge of theory and practice and will learn what I have learned I have participated in sral related activities and visited some large factoes and companies. Thugh these activities, I have a pfound understanding of the pgress of science and technolo in the modern world and hope to learn thugh the psuit of higher education.

In other words, thank you for yo attention.




My name is XXX. I was born in Zhejiang Pvince. I am a qualified student in Denver.

That's why I am here. I am a cheerful and optimistic person. I like to make fends.

Good fends will accompany us all my life. In my study, I don't understand the questions asked by my clasates and teachers. I will try my best to do my best.

I hope I can learn in the next fo years of college To things, not only knowledge, may be how to communicate and communicate with people, I am not a silent person, I have a passion for sports, I know when I join the school table tennis team, a few years later, I also won some awards, entered high school, I also played basketball and football with her clasates, my favote basketball star is Iverson, although he has now It's no longer in the NBA, but in my mind, he is a legend. He tght me persrance in difficulties and nr lose hope in despair. This is me, a m Chinese boy.




Hello ryone, my name and I are both years old. I am a grade student. Mr.

XX is my English teacher. We all like him. My father is an engineer.

He is good at math. I am good at math. But my English and Chinese are not very good.

I like playing basketball, football, bton and table tennis. My hobby is to see my phone number. Can you call me XX.




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