
发布时间:2022-09-26 09:15:07 阅读:163 点赞:0




Come, let us retn to the Lord, for he has torn us, and he will heal us that he has struck. He will bind us in o days. On the third day he raised us up, and we lived in his sight.

Then we will know that if we continue to know the Lord, he will be ready as in the morning, and he will come to us like rain, what will I do to you, O Ephraim, and what I will do to you, O Jew, for yo goodness is like the morning mist and the morning dew. Therefore I killed them with the words of my mouth. Yo judent, the light of compassion that I desired, is not a sacfice, but a knowledge of God, than a bnt offeng.

But like men, they transgressed the covenant there and dealt treacusly with me. Gilead is a city of iniquity, defiled with blood, and like a bber waiting for men, so the pests kill for them on the way; I have seen abomination in the house of Israel. The ery of Ephraim is abominable.

And Israel, O Judas, is defiled. He prepared for you the harvest when I bught the captivity back.







I love you not becse of who you are, but becse of who I am when I am with you. No man or woman is worth yo tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting beside them knowing you can't let them have them.

Don't fwn n when you are sad, becse you nr know who is falling in love with yo iling face. You may be one person, but for someone, you are his whole world.




Moreover, thugh the Lord Jesus, we beseech you, and exhort you, that since you have received fm us, how you should do and how to please God, you will be abundant, for you know the commandments that we give you thugh the Lord Jesus, for this is the will of God, that you may sanctify ry one of you fm fornication, and know how to possess him in holiness and glory Do not lust for vessels, like the Gentiles who do not know God. No one spasses himself in anything and deceives his bther. For the Lord is the avenger of all those whom we have warned and ified, for God has not called us to be defiled, but those who despise holiness do not despise men, but despise God.

He also gave us the Holy Spit, but out of the love of o bthers, you do not need me to wte to you, becse you yoself have been tght by God and love one another. You do the same to yo bthers in all the land of Macedonian, but we beseech you, bthers, to learn to be and quiet, to do yo own work, to work with yo own hands, and to walk honestly to those outside, as we have commanded you, so that you may have nothing, but I do not want you to be iorant bthers among those who are asleep, so that you will not g us as others If you beli that Jesus died and se again, do not expect God to bng him n those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you thugh the word of the Lord that we who live and remain until the coming of the Lord will not prnt those who are asleep, for the Lord himself will shout down fm heaven, and the voice of the archangel, the trumpet of God, and the dead in Chst, shall se first, and then we, living and remaining, shall be bught with them into the clouds and meet the Lord in the air We will always be with the Lord, so we will comfort each other with these words.





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