
发布时间:2022-09-06 10:09:10 阅读:114 点赞:0




Ding the Amecan Civil War, the soldiers of the northern army were ordered to kill all the dogs when they met dogs in the South: the South kept hounds to t down the slaves who had escaped to the nearby marshes. Once, a federal soldier found a poodle, which was his mistress's favote pet. When she took it to supplement the army's supplies, the lady begged him pitifully not to Use it.

The soldier replied, "Ma'am, o order is to kill ry hound." "but this is not a hound," said the lady. "Well, if we leave it behind, we don't know what it will look like," the soldier said as he took him away.




Speed limit I was stationed at RAF base as part of the US air force task force. There was a narw ad winding thugh cwded residential areas. After a sees of minor vehicle and pedestan accidents, the USAF commander decided to reduce the speed limit to 3 miles per ho.

Shortly after the new restctions were issued, a corporal released a copy of a jeep dver speeding I was summoned to wonder how the congresan decided the speed of the jeep, so I was jogging to the PX, and before it closed, he explained that as I passed the jeep, I noticed that the speedometer showed five miles per ho.




The first ingal address the first ingal address (excerpt) what we celebrate today is not the victory of the party, but the celebration of , symbolizing the end and the beginning of rejuvenation, becse I have sworn before you and the Almighty God the solemn oath o ancestors made before you nearly a centy and three-quarters ago, my compatots, More than my hands can determine the final success or faile of o ad. Since the founding of this country, ry generation of Amecans has been called upon to pve the loyalty of their country. The graves of young Amecans who have responded to the call sund the world.

Now the trumpet calls on us again, not on us to take up arms. Although we do not need weapons as a call to fight, although we are beset by all sides, we are only a call to bear the bden of a long ilight struggle year after year, with hope and patience with in suffeng We can form a grand global alliance with the common enemies of tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself, whether in the north or in the south, in the east or in the west, to ense a fruitful life for all . You are willing to join this histoc effort in the long history of the world.

Only a few generations have been given the le of defending at its most dangeus moment. I do not shy away fm this responsibility. I welcome this responsibility.

I do not beli that any of us will exchange the ener, faith and dedication that we have devoted to this effort with any other person or generation, and will illuminate what o country has done So, my fellow Amecans, ask not what yo country can do for you, but what you can do for yo country. My fellow Amecans, ask not what Ameca will do for you, but what we can ultimately do for human , whether you are Amecan citizens or all Amecan citizens Citizens of the world, please ask us here to ask for the same high standard of stren and sacfice, just as we ask you with a clear conscience that o only reliable retn is history. Let us lead the land we love and ask for his blessing and , but know that on earth, God's work must be o own.





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