
发布时间:2022-03-21 14:40:12 阅读:560 点赞:0




Yugong old man had o mountains in fnt of his house. He decided to send Shanping away. Another wise man diculed his stupidity.

Don't think that the old man moved heaven after saying, "I'm a dead son, son and grandson. Generations after generations of descendants can't find enough. Why bother to dig up the injustice" moved heaven.

So the o sons praised each other in their life and compared the o mountains to no matter what they met What difficulty, as long as persre can succeed.




Mr. Fu wants to move the mountain away. There are o high mountains beeen Jizhou in the South and Heyang in the north.

One is called Taihang Mountain and the other is Wangwu mountain. These o mountains are very high. In the north of the mountain, there lived an old man named Yugong.

One day, he and his family were on the other side of the mountain and had to walk aund the mountain for a long time. Yugong called his family together to discuss how to move the o mountains to other places. His wife and son said, "an old man like you can't move a all mountain, let alone these o mountains are high mountains Even if you can, where can we thw so much earth and stone? "Bohai Sea is big enough to accommodate all the earth and stone," said Yugong.

So he decided that his children be to dig mountains. Under the leadership of Yugong, a man named Zhizhu saw them working, and ted to stop them, saying, "you are so stupid, you are so old and weak that you can't n move grass and trees. How can you move high Where are the mountains? You are wng.

Yu Gong sighed and said, "look, after my son died, my son can continue my work. My grandchildren will continue fm generation to generation. The mountains are endless and the mountains can't be high.

Do you still say that I can't move away? Later, the God was very moved to learn the story of Yugong, so he ordered another God to come down and take the o mountains away. This story tells us that as long as we make up o minds and stick to it, we can do anything, no matter how difficult it is.





Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yugong who lived near o mountains. It took him a long time to get to the other side of the mountain. Su he wanted to move them.

He told his family that he had to move it, and his family also needed to him move the mountain to the seaside. The next day, there was an old man who saw Yugong moving the mountain. He said that he was old and weak and could nr move them.

But Yugong said that his son would live and gw up, but the mountain would not get higher. God was moved by Yugong, so he sent o gods to remove the mountain.




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