
发布时间:2022-10-08 14:38:56 阅读:118 点赞:0


关于”我改变“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My change。以下是关于我改变四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My change

If you wake up this morning in good health rather than illness, you will be luckier than the millions who cannot svive a week. If you have nr expeenced the loneliness of impsonment, the agony of torte, or the pain of starvation, if you have food to eat, you are luckier than a million people in the world. If you have money in yo pse, you have something on yo plate at home Change, you are one of the chest people in the world.

If you can read this now, you are luckier than o billion people in the world. If you pray yesterday and today, they will not read at all. A few people, becse you beli that God will hear and respond to prayers.

If you can look up and ile, you really appreciate that you are blessed, becse most people can, but most of them can No one has.




As far as I'm concerned, I don't think it's a good idea to give o children pocket money. It only encoages them to think that things in life are free as human beings. We only value what we got after spending some money when I was a child.

My parents nr gave us any pocket money (or what they call pocket money in Ameca) They want us to work to earn money. They want us to know that money is valuable, and hard work is valuable. They want us to learn to make wise choices with o money.

They know that if we make money oselves, we will be careful about money. They want us to understand that work and money are related: you can't have one without another, I think father Mothers need to do o things to their children understand the value of money. First, they should let their children earn their consumption money, which will make children think that money is valuable.

Second, they should not always stop their children fm doing stupid things with their money. ng mistakes can teach children to be wise Ruth Ruth.




A farmer had sral puppies to sell. He drew a si to advertise the puppies, ready to nail it to a post on the edge of the yard. As he dve the last nail into the post, he felt a tug on his overalls.

He looked down into the eyes of a little boy. "Sir," he said, "I want to buy a little dog of yos." "well," said the farmer, wiping the sweat fm the back of his neck, "these puppies are good parents, and they cost a lot of money." The boy lowered his head, reached into his pocket, took out a handful of change and handed it to the farmer. "I have thirty-nine cents.

Can I have a look?" The farmer said, then said, and whistled, "Hello, Dolly." He called out of the kennel and ran down the slope, followed by fo all balls. The little boy stuck his face to the barbed wire fence. His eyes leaped with joy as the dog made for the fence.

The little boy noticed that something else was slowly stirng in the kennel. The little boy pointed to the dwarf squatting beside the boy and said, "son, you don't want that little dog. It will nr run aund and play with you like other dogs.

The little boy stepped back fm the fence, reached down, and be to ll up one of his tuser legs, so that he exposed a steel brace that stretched fm both sides of his leg to a special shoe, and looked up, "farmer," he said, "you see, sir, I'm not running very well myself. He needs someone to understand." The world is full of people who need to be understood.







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