
发布时间:2022-07-25 12:06:24 阅读:106 点赞:0


关于”有关广场舞“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About square dance。以下是关于有关广场舞专升英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About square dance

There is a shopping center near o school. For me, it is an indispensable place in my life. I can't go there.

Maybe you will ask why. Now shopping malls and supers are rywhere. So let me tell us yo opinion.

I love the shopping center "Star Shopping Center". First of all, it is located near the school, which is convenient for us boarding students. Every weekend, after After a week's running in, I will go with my clasates to the o floors of o favote shopping center, where there are betiful clothes and shoes.

The most important thing is that there are many books. If I love, I can read books in the morning there, relax, and the gwth of knowledge is very good. There are also some sports.

I bought a basketball in it last week, and my body is leather The capital of life, physical exercise, learning is an important condition, finally, a floor, but that is where we used to go, bee there are a lot of delicious things, my clasates and I often go there to choose what we like to eat and put them back in the dormitory. After all, it is very important to strenen the cultivation and take good care of it in school. The shopping center not only bngs convenience to o life, but also pvides us with a place for leise and entertainment.

After all, it is a big super with satiactory , quality and pce. We like shopping there.




My holiday was very good. I stayed at home for a peod of time. I went to Tianyi Square to buy the same .

But one day, my mother, my bther and I went to Tianyi Digital Plaza to buy s. In the ning, I bought a new uniform. I wanted to dnk an apple juice.

My mother bought it for me. I said, "thank you very much." I bought some shoes. I want to buy a pair of sports shoes in the store.

Wonderful Songs added to the fun of traveling. I saw black shoes. My mother said, "there are betiful ones." I was very happy that day bee I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of good fortune.




"There is a place in yo heart, I know it is love. If you really work hard, you will find that if you don't cry, it will be better than tomorw." this is his song for children all over the world. Over the years, he has been supporting chatable orizations all over the world, donating than 1 billion yuan.

He is a person who has been misunderstood Full of passion, dream and love of Michael Jackson, I have nr played, unlike other people who have been "fans", so I just watch others fail to realize their dreams. Michael is a member of the music and pfessional circles. It is worth learning a legend.

His acles are amazing and modest, and n make you feel that he is "pleasing" you. You can't Imagine him as a billie, his genesity, and his love for the world is very respectable. Michael is a music omnipotent, and his success has spassed Presley.

He is recoized as the king of pop music in the world. Guinness commented that he is "the most succesul artist in the world". In terms of ly, music composition, choreography, stage desi, etc., he is omnipotent.

When the music starts, he He can grasp the rhythm of the world, forget the things aund him, and use free dance music to exist in his body. He has practiced too many kinds of dances. He is so aimless that you can n see the shadow of ballet, tap dance, Indian dance and Afcan indigenous dance in his performance.

He integrates vaous types of dance world into his own style, which looks very good Unique, as long as you access the Internet, the word "dance king" is OK, and the result is Michael Jackson.




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