
发布时间:2022-07-23 12:27:23 阅读:483 点赞:0


关于”对生活影响“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The influence of film on life。以下是关于对生活影响初中英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of film on life

"Blonde" is about a girl who thinks she is going to ppose, but finds herself dumped by her boyfend Warner. Presumably, she was not art enough to make her parents beli she was wng. She ted to get into Harvard Law School, she studied for LSAT, she submitted a video, she appeared in a sequined bikini, aculously, was accepted at first, eller was cticized by Pfessor Stmwell and became the object of sharp comments by other students.

2 "ice age" is really interesting, and it's like the old character in the sees, a person of any age A new advente to enjoy. I saw the cti, and I secretly thought it would be good, but I didn't expect too much, but I did like this movie than I thought. It may be worse than other ice age movies, but it is still a thlling joney for the dience to enjoy.

If you find a cinema near you, it has its digital 3D, and go to see its 3D, becse the action and advente are than People's imagination can make you excited, becse this is the third part, so this film will not be so good, but listen to me, don't let yo ideas and parents, take yo children, they will certainly leave with a ile and lasting excent. I saw of this film called "high school music", I feel very happy and very moved. This is an Amecan movie.

It tells us that the life of Amecan high school students is very different fm that of o Chinese students. They are full of ener when facing life, and their extraccular s are also very colorful. The heine is a very betiful person.

A girl named Gabella rush sings confidently at first, but a boy tells her that she sings well, and then they are happy together. I think as long as you try yo best, no matter whether you fail or not, you will nr regret, you must always beli in oselves.






Will Smith is an Amecan actor. He is famous all over the world. His movies are very popular.

Smith has black blood, but he is very handsome. Many girls are infatuated with him. Smith has a succesul career.

His films always win not only money, but also his movie psuit of happiness left a deep impression on me. This film is made by him and his fends His son, Smith, plays a real man's story. This man lived a very difficult life.

He divorced his wife and his son followed him. Smith and his son struggled in life. At the same time, he was rejected by many bosses.

Although life is like this, Smith ntually becomes a succesul man. He will nr give up his job, so he will nr give up.




Young people come on time ry day. Young people nr fail to come on time. Almost no man or woman whose attitude to life has not been affected by the earthquake will nr do it again.

"I will nr do that again. O library is almost in the center of o school. O library is in the center of o school.

There are many buildings on the Bank of the ver. Many tall buildings are hanging in the sky. In the center of o school is o library.

Only beeen the garden and the teaching building + only in this way can I impve my English thugh exercise We can keep it healthy and young. I can ma it. As o country, we have a lot of pblems.

I'm glad to hear fm you that we can borw five books. In most cases, we can keep them for ten days. If they are borwed, we can keep them for ten days.

If this is the case, you should apologize to heifein. In this case, you should apologize to herbieing becse I am Student I want to know the pce of student. As a student, I want to know the pce of student.




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