
发布时间:2022-05-27 08:55:24 阅读:276 点赞:0


关于”游泳注意项目“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Attention s in swimming。以下是关于游泳注意项目初中英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Attention s in swimming

I think in the summer, when we can enjoy o time to go swimming, in the hot summer, people can't wait to find a place to spend the heat. Maybe the swimming pool is practical than the air-conditioned om. We should go to the swimming pool, the sea, Riversi I think the best choice is the swimming pool, where you can enjoy the cool, you can enjoy the swimming, the most important thing is that it is safe to swim Many benefits, such as resisting cold, adapting to temperate changes, impving cardiopulmonary function, shaping calcium skin care, so let's swim in summer.




What you need to go to the beach: Sunglasses: hot sun, sunglasses ptect yo eyes fm stng sunlight. The colors of sunglasses are vaous. In terms of style, in order to be easy to carry, you should choose light-weight ones, not afraid to thw resin or other synthetic mateals, sports glasses, the best is the beach with glasses and stng sun, so you should choose dark color Sun cream: women can compare the lines of sunscreen, but men need to use the same sunscreen to ptect their skin fm UV rays.

Swimming equipment: it's not in line with the scenery to avoid swimming on the beach, so don't forget to bng one Some swimming equipment, swimsuits, swimming trunks, hats, water glasses, towels, slippers, one less Camping: tents are considered both luxy goods and thfty goods, bee camping is tublesome than finding ready-made shelters, and the equipment itself is not cheap, but camping can save accommodation, and it is fun, so you can see them in tents for this kind of sunshade and sand Beach chair has no interest: if you dve to the beach, you can take these o things to see the awning. What you like most is not the kind of tent at the top. Just for the convenience of folding the awning, the awning is supported by in bars, which makes cooking utensils, stoves and dishes not so convenient: picni on the beach are very interesting, but it requires a lot of things to bng, as well as sophisticated gas stove preparation Work, barbecue and other electcal appliances are most suitable for beach picni.

The food should focus on water, especially in hot summer. If you stay on the beach all day long without enough water thirst, you can consider prepang bread, ssage, canned food, pickled vegetables and chicken as the staple food for yo dizziness. The best choice is less greasy.

The delicious choice is beneficial. It is recommended to carry the food with you and avoid eating it Steamed buns and the like, bee it's hot, stewed meat is easy to so in a day. It's better not to eat shmp later, and it's better to eat fresh shmp.

At the same time, in case of life-threatening situation, you should take bandage packaging. There are no eyes on the submane reefs. You should make a hole in their bodies ry day.

In addition to bandages, they should also take stomach, treat diarrhea and cool oil (to avoid heatstke and other medical history, so prepare by yoself) Some commonly used drugs.




With the dlopment of modern science and technolo, pvate car is no longer a luxy for ordinary people. More and people go to work by car instead of by bus. There are many advantages in populazing pvate cars.

Firstly, it is very convenient and time-saving. You can dve to work by yoself instead of waiting for cwded buses. Secondly, it can impve the traffic structe and reduce the traffic presse.

Third, the populaty of pvate cars s to pmote the dlopment of the tomobile industry and other related industes. I beli that in the fute, pvate cars will become the most important means of transportation. We can't live without its benefits.

First, work, second, transportation. Third, we can't.





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