
发布时间:2022-05-15 08:13:20 阅读:129 点赞:0




Shakespeare's Phoenix and tortoise make the loudest bird lie on the only Arabian tree, indicating sadness and horn, but you, the forerunner of screaming, the pioneer of evil demons, the omen of the end of fanatici, fm this meeting, you are not close to this army, stop ry bird with tyrant's wings, save the eagle, feather Gold: keep so stct, let's wear The pest in the white be makes the invalid music become the dying swan, so that the Requiem will not lose his ght, and you, three times the cw, use yo breath and breath to yo mink gender. "When o moner, will you come here to sing the national anthem? Start: love and persrance are the dead Phoenix, and the tortoise gives birth to a flame fm there, so they love each other, just like love The essence is o parts, but there are only o differences: the number is there, the heart killed in love is far away, but not far away, the tortoise and its queen are a acle beeen them, love s beeen them, the tortoise sees his ght hand bning in the Phoenix's vision: both are the pperty of another person, which is so shocking that the self is not the same natal double It's confusing to call o or one of them rational. We see differences, but they are not.

They are simply combined so perfectly that it shouts out how true love is. If there is any part that can be preserved, it will make the Phoenix and dove, the star of the universe and the star of love sing together Their tragic scenes.




The three guards immediately took a gun out of his inner pocket and fired o. I felt a sudden bst of hot teang pain, like a red hot in pressing on my leg. When Sherlock Holmes' gun fell on Evans's head, I saw the man lying on the gund with blood on his face, Holmes searching for him.

My fends, with their thin and powerful arms nd me, led me to a chair. "You're not ht, Watson. Please say you're not ht." I don't mind the pain.

If I hadn't been hit, I would nr have known how loyal and loving Holmes was to me. I suddenly realized that under his cold eyes, I suddenly realized that under his cold lips, I also realized that.





Dear David, you are a blessing, and my whole life is very grateful, becse I feel that we are made to love, to listen, to understand, and I feel that we spend time together than r before, and I know that there are many special moments in o lives that we can be spsed and close to. You are my soul mate, nothing is better than you I always love you unconditionally. God's love responds to my prayer.

I have been longing for you all the time. I miss you than words can express. My love will reach any distance, fly to yo dream, fly to yo heart.

We can't be together. I'm physically eager for you. Every night, I'll see you in my dream until I am We find oselves wrapped in love, which is stnger and deeper day by day.

We are going to the fute together. I beli and beli that you will always love you, MEG.




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