
发布时间:2022-08-11 12:00:20 阅读:241 点赞:0




China's forei exchange reserves se by $billion in the first quarter on Fday Apl 5th, a record high n by China's own impressive standards. Howr, there are some sis that this may underestimate the accumulation of forei assets, which in tn indicates that the flow of hot money into China has accelerated and restrained China's economic gwth. The exchange rate is becoming and difficult.

China has not yet released the full set of crent and capital accounts for the first quarter, which makes the volume of forei exchange reserves the best pxy. There are o reasons to think that it underestimated its position. First, the people's Bank of China is tranerng funds to the China Investment Corporation, a fledgling soverei wealth fund that holds $1 billion in kittens.

The timing is not clear, but economists estimate that in the first quarter of this year, the people's Bank of China (pb0cchina investment) has a siificant impact on China investment Second, the accounts of the people's Bank of China pvide some clues that forei exchange reserves are being deposited on other forei assets of commercial banks. An in the central bank account has remained almost unchanged for fo years and be to se in August last year. Anecdotal evidence suggests that commercial banks may accumulate forei exchange by accumulating forei exchange To meet the people's Bank of China's reserve requirement ratio, stone and McCarthy estimated that% of the increase in the deposit reserve ratio may be denominated in US dollars.

The increase in forei exchange reserves in January and March this year means that China will fther accumulate about $1 billion of forei assets in the first quarter. It is not clear that there are other complex factors, such as how many iconic retns are included in the forei exchange reserve data, but all of them are included. The actual accumulation rate of forei exchange reserves in the first quarter of this year may be $1 billion higher than the published fige, which shows that there is reason to panic at the sing inflow of hot money.

The inflow of hot money mainly bets on the appreciation of . This shows that Beijing's capital contl is inadequate, and China's claim for us sovereity is equivalent to one-third of that of the United States. According to China's gss domestic pduct (GDP), how much forei assets can China accumulate to absorb capital inflows? This is a questionable question//.


外汇储备增加xx月5星期五,第一季度外汇储备增加了亿美元,即使按照自己令人印象深刻标准来衡量,这也创下了历史新高。然而,有一些迹象表明,这可能低估了外国资产积累,这反过来表明,热钱流入速度已经加快,并抑制了经济增长汇率越来越难还没有公布一季度全套经常账户和资账户,这使得外汇储备数量成为最好。有两个理由可以认为它低估了头寸首先,银行正在向投资公司转移资金,这只刚刚起步主权财富基金持有10亿美元小猫咪,时机尚不清楚,但经济学家估计,今年第一季度,银行(PB0CChina Investment Corp.)可能会将高达亿美元目标转移给中投;第二,银行账户提供了一些线索,表明有更多外汇储备正存放在商业银行其他外国资产上银行账户上一个项目xx年来几乎没有变动,去年xx月开始上调,坊间证据表明,商业银行可能通过积累外汇来满足银行存款准备金率,斯通和麦卡锡估计,存款准备金率上调%可能是以美元计价,今年xx月和xx月上调外汇储备意味着第一季度将进一步积累约10亿美元外国资产。

目前尚不清楚还有其他一些复杂因素,例如,外汇储备数据中包括了多少标志市场收益,但全部都包括在内,今年第一季度外汇储备实际积累速度可能比公布数字高出10亿美元,这表明有理由对不断上升热钱流入感到恐慌。热钱流入主要是押注币升值。这表明,北京资管制不充分,对主权要求已相当于1/3经济学家布拉德•塞瑟估计,国内生产总值(gdp)估计,还能积累多少外国资产来吸收资金流入,这是个值得怀疑问题(Brad SetserGDP wwhjenglishcom/subject/wting/page)//。


It is a common phenomenon that college students are keen on oaining vaous certificates, such as accounting certificate, teacher certificate, etc? In my opinion, there are o reasons for this phenomenon: on the one hand, many students think that the certificate they get now will have a greater chance to find a good job in the fute. They are told that the company or orization has a high evaluation of the certificate dung the interview. Therefore, although some certificates have nothing to do with their major or interest, they still try to oain vaous certificate choices It is another reason for many students to get their certificates, becse they find that many students nd them are doing this, so they think it is safe to follow others.

Fm my point of view, it is unwise for ryone to follow other people's steps to oain vaous certificates. I think we should combine o own choices with o own specific situation. Certificates are not the only standard to mease o ability, and we should not be too keen on certificates.




Youth is not a peod of life, but a state of mind, not sy cheeks, red lips and soft knees, but a will, a quality of imagination, a vigor of emotion, a freshness of the soce of life. Youth means coage over timidity, and a desire for advente than love for ease. This desire often exists in a ratio of In a all young man, only a few years later we gw old by giving up o ideals.

Years may wnkle the skin, but to give up enthusia wnkles the soul. Worry, fear, lack of self-confidence distorts the mind and tns the spit into dust. There is in ry human heart the le of wonder, the nr-ending desire for the next step, and the joy of the that lives in you and me, as long as it receives bety, hope, coage and power fm humanity and the infinite Information, as long as you are young when the antenna is down, you can have a radio station, the spit of which is covered by the snow of cynici and the ice of pessimi, and then you gw old.

Even if you set up the antenna to catch the waves of optimi, you have the hope of dying young.




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