
发布时间:2022-06-04 10:02:39 阅读:147 点赞:0




Ptect me, O God, for my heart trusts in you, who said to the Lord, "you are my Lord.". My grace is not to you, but to the saints of the earth and to the most exalted in my favor. Their sorws will multiply, and they will hasten to seek the blood offengs of other gods; I will not offer them or receive them; I will wte their names in my mouth; the Lord is the portion of my inhetance, and you are the portion of my cup.

I have a wonderful industry. I will praise the Lord, who gives me counsel. My heart always instructs me before me in the night, for he is on my ght hand, and my hand will not be shaken.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory is glad. My flesh will rest in hope, for you will not leave my soul in hell, nor will yo holy one see corruption. Show me the way of my life before you.

Yo ght hand is full of joy. This is eternal joy.







Once upon a time, there was a donkey who nr did what his told him to do. If the wants him to go to the ght, he pulls to the left; if he wants him to go to the left, he pulls to the ght. As a matter of fact, he always wanted to be completely opposite to what the host said.

It happened that one day, the donkey was being dven by a winding shelf with a high mountain on it. Suddenly, he decided not to stop on the path and ran as fast as he could towards the steep edge of the foot of the mountain. The donkey was about to head down - first fm the edge of the cliff, when his cght his tail.

Come back, you stupid animals have saved his life. The pulled his tail and retreated up the slope to the path. This way, or you'll fall.

This way, the donkey stubbornly pulled away fm the man. I don't want to go that way. It pulled hard and the man was forced to let go.

The man hit on the grass, and the donkey plunged into the gund, shouting to overcome the edge of the cliff. There is no need to be stubborn about it..








Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy who was herding sheep on the mountain ry day. One day, he felt a little lonely and wanted to make fun of the farmers working at the foot of the mountain. So he climbed up a big stone and ced, "the wolf is coming, the wolf is coming".

When the farmers came, they found that there was no wolf at all. The boy lghed and said, "I'm just joking. Don't take it seously.".

After a few days, the farmers shook their heads and left. The farmers heard the boy's cry again, so they ran up the mountain and found that one day they were cheated again. Sral wolves really came.

The boy was scared and yelled: wolf, but this time, no one came.




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