
发布时间:2022-08-28 08:13:01 阅读:223 点赞:0




And in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a high thne, and his chaots filled the temple. On the temple stood six winged angels, each with six wings, coveng his face with o wings, his feet with o wings, and flying with o wings, one calling out to the other, saying, the Lord of hosts is holy, and all the earth is full of his glory; the doorposts of the doors are shaken by the sound of the cry, and the house is filled with oke, and they say, "Woe to me, for I am unclean lips." Man, I live among the people whose lips are unclean, becse I saw with my own eyes the king of the Lord of hosts, and sent an angel with six wings to fly away. In my hand was a living coal which he had taken fm the altar with tongs and put it in my mouth, saying, "look, this has touched yo lips, yo iniquity has been removed, and yo sin has been cleansed.".

I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "who shall I send and who will go for us?". And he said, I am sending me here, and he said, go and tell me that this people hear yo words, but they do not understand it, nor see it, but do not understand it. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and close their eyes, lest they see with their own eyes, hear with their ears, and understand in their hearts, and convert their faith and be healed.

And he said, my Lord God, how long will it be? And he answered and said, until the cities are desolate, and there is no inhabitant in the houses, and the land is desolate. The Lord has taken men far away, and there are many forsaken in the land, but a tenth of them will retn and be eaten, like the oak, the oak, which is the holy seed when they cast down its leaves.





For this reason, we could not thinking that it was good to stay in Athens. We sent Timothy, o bther and God's servant, and o companions in the gospel of Chst, to strenen you and comfort you, so that you may beli that no one will be moved by these tbulations, for you know that we are sent, becse we told you when we were with you We will suffer tuble until it comes, and you will know it. Then I could no longer resist sending to know yo faith, so that the tempter's temptations would not lead to o labor in vain.

But now Timothy has come fm you and has given us good news. Bthers, in all o tubles and tbulations, becse of yo faith and yo lovingkindness, and becse you remember us, we have always longed for us, just as we also wanted to see you. Therefore, bthers and sisters, we are comforted in you by yo faith in all yo tbulations and tbulations, becse of yo faith, if you stand firm in the Lord, we will live, becse of all the joy that we delight in, can we thank God again? In the presence of o God, you pray day and night earnestly, so that we may see yo faces and make yo faith insufficient To be completed.

Now God himself, and o father, and o Lord Jesus Chst, have led us to you, that you may love one another, love one another, and be full of love, as we have done to you. In the end, he will sanctify yo hearts before God and o father when o Lord Jesus Chst and all his saints come.





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