
发布时间:2022-08-21 11:41:07 阅读:128 点赞:0


关于”动物少“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Less animals。以下是关于动物少高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Less animals

Animals are o good fends. Let's imagine o pictes. One is a square grass, on which there is a little girl and a pigeon.

The sun is shining on them. They are playing happily together. Pigeons are flying nd the girls.

They are really happy. Let's see a picte of a kangao jumping on the savanna in Australia. Suddenly, a greedy ter shot and killed him on the praie A kangao, how terble it is to fall down at once.

It's so tragic. So I think, as human beings, we have done so much damage to animals. If you walk on the street of a city, fm the shop windows on both sides of the street, you can see that many animal f are made into clothes for us to wear to expand o living .

We cut down a lot of rainforests to oain More fertile far, but it has led to the death of a large number of animals, many animals have no place to live, no place to look for food. Third, let's see what's on o table to eat a lot of animals, you know, they're delicious. It's so tragic 'we eat them just to fill o stomachs.

Foth, I think ptecting animals is what we should do now O food chain is unbalanced. We kill these animals for o own benefit. It's totally wng.

It's a wng idea. Now people want to have a peaceful world. In this world, people and animals are fends.

With this dream, we should work hard. In order to realize this dream, we should educate people and let them know It's a good idea to ptect animals and become fends with animals. We should impve o laws, becse laws contl one's behavior.

In this way, fewer people kill animals when they are students. We should try to influence others and let us take a correct attitude towards animal ptection. I beli that in the fute, there will be in the square mentioned above There will be lovely pigeons flying nd them.

Oh, I hope, I hope o world can be as happy as that.




Trees are very important and useful to human beings. They play an important le in o lives. They absorb harmful gases fm the air and release oxygen.

They are natal and free air conditioners becse they can pvide clean and fresh air for people to breathe, prnt soil loss and reduce the possibility of floods. They are also the home of wild animals. They pvide food for people and animals Trees can be used to make many things, such as fnite, paper and pencils.

Trees make the envinment betiful. Howr, we cut down and bn millions of trees ry year, but they are rarely replaced. It's hard to imagine how terble o life would be without trees.

Trees are o fends in many ways. They human beings and the earth in many ways https://picwenwensosocom/p//jpg.




Happy day, my parents and I always stay at home these days, but yesterday we went to my grandparents' house. We see a lot of wonderful things at home. There is fresh air and less pollution than Haimen.

My grandfather planted a lot of trees, flowers and vegetables. He also raised a lot of animals, such as ducks, chickens, dogs. Oh, a very interesting garden, a wonderful and interesting zoo.

In the ning, there is a ver near my grandparents' house. I can see many stars. I think that's really good.

After lunch, my father and I stll on the path, enjoying the sunny spng day. In the afternoon, my grandmother I took me to visit their animals. My favote animal is a dog named Tintin.

It has o big bght eyes and a black and white tail. It is covered with white f. It looks really cute.

My grandmother also tght me how to wash flowers at dinner. I ate my delicious food. My grandparents gave me too much food.

I thank them very much for their enjoyment I had a very happy day today.





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