
发布时间:2022-06-22 13:08:37 阅读:428 点赞:0


关于”如何处理医生和病人关系“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:How to deal with the relationship beeen doctors and patients。以下是关于如何处理医生和病人关系中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to deal with the relationship beeen doctors and patients

On Sunday, I went to the park with a fend. We had a good time. We found that there was so much garbage nd.

We spent half an ho cleaning up the garbage before he left. Although we came home late, we were all very happy.




Many people are actively against unfair treatment of people of color, women, animals, etc. What I'm talking about is fighting for respect for o envinment. Although the envinment does not have a mouth to cticize what human beings have done to her, she takes actions to rnge the Chinese for cutting down a large number of trees at the soce of the Yellow River, csing large areas of forests to disappear and flood.

As a result, the Loess Plate, once covered with vegetation, has become barren wasteland, and there are fewer plants. In some dloped countes, becse many chemical plants emit toxic gases without filtration, the cities are full of toxic gases. People are killed by the air they inhale.

What a terble sight they breathe. What we are suffeng now is only a all part of what nate once suffered If we do not take action to respect the envinment, we will have to face a and terble situation. We should take meases to ptect the envinment we depend on.

First of all, the government should phibit the destruction of vegetation, vers, lakes and oceans. Third party enterpses should pay special attention to their impact on the envinment and find solutions. Only by changing the way we treat the envinment We can get along well, only by saving the envinment can we save oselves.




First of all, you need to check whether the injy is seous. If the injy is not seous, they will call. Then, wash the wound with soft soap and treat it with iodine.

Then vaccinate the rabies vaccine as soon as possible.




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