
发布时间:2022-07-23 09:20:41 阅读:866 点赞:0


关于”介绍东北虎“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Intduction of Am tiger。以下是关于介绍东北虎专升英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction of Am tiger

A forest fire bke out in Northeast China at the beginning of Apl. A worker was oking in the forest and the fire lasted for nearly a month. In early Apl, a worker oked in the forest, ing a fire in the northeast.

Thousands of geographers and local people took part in the fire. Unfortunately, some people died. The fire has cost the country at least 10 million yuan.

Everyone in China is shocked by the seous loss.





As far as I'm concerned, it's safe to say, as the pverb says, it's pbably hard not to deny the fact that nothing is important than this fact, and importantly, a pper example is just a pblem. Therefore, + () is not so , but unfortunately, although we think that the difficulty lies in +, we should be similar in this respect But I would like to conclude that we have reason to beli that, taking into account all the factors, = in short, it is safe to say that, in my opinion, based on the above discussion, we can come to the conclusion that the data / statisti / figes enable us to conclude fm the discussion that, fm my point of view, this will Yes, if there is a better example here, for example, some people think that, frankly speaking, I can't agree with them for the following reasons. I beli that the headline statement is valid bee I can't totally agree with them.




My favote toy is a teddy bear. It's very soft and big. It's a teddy bear doll with golden bwn hair.

Tiger mountain and Tiger Mountain shake its body a little. Its hair tns into bght golden hair, but it's not a cluster of clumps of injies, but a "all wavy pattern". Its hair is very slippery.

When people touch its hand, it feels like a little loach, very comfortable Toto's eyes are very special. The red pupils with the words "teedy tedytey" on them will not be engraved and appear dull. My opinion is, howr, the light of the eyes, together with the luster, is seen by the und eyes, which makes s feel lovely, and children see it cordial.




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