
发布时间:2022-09-24 06:45:48 阅读:148 点赞:0




One night, an old couple was lying in bed, and the woman woke up fm a nightmare. She was scared and panicked. Her huand wakes up and tns on the light to calm her down.

He asked her what happened. She said she had a dream. She said that I died and you remared.

He asked him, I die tomorw, will you remarry? She said I didn't want to spend the rest of my life alone. She asked you o would live in this house? He said, we just paid off the mortgage. She asked if she would sleep in this bed now.

He snickered and said, of cose, this bed is new and expensive. There's no reason to thw it away. He asked me if she could use my golf club.

He said, "seous face, no, she's left-handed.".





The doorbell rang and Mrs. Carson opened the fnt door. Whenr Mrs.

Bbage called her, her heart sank when she saw her. She stayed for hos. "Good afternoon, Mrs.

Carson," said Mrs. bbeech. "I just passed by, and I wanted to dp in to say hello." that's very kind of you, "Mrs.

Carson replied," please come in. "Just like Mrs. Carson, becse she's wored about Mrs.

bbeech's staying for a few hos, it's almost six o'clock. Mr. Carson is going home fm work soon.

He couldn't stand Mrs. Bbage, so Mrs. Carson kept thinking about how she could persuade Mrs.

Bbage to leave without offending her, "is yo huand home fm work?" Mrs. Carson asked, "Oh, yes," and Mrs. Bbage replied, "he always comes home at about five o'clock." "it's nearly six o'clock.

Won't he worry about you?" Mrs. Carson said, "I thought of it," Mrs. Bbage said, "but it's been a great time here.

We've had a wonderful afternoon. You know what I'm going to do. I'll call my huand and tell him to come here too.

Can I use yo phone?".





Dear Dini, we have known each other for a long time. I can't beli how long I have loved you. My love, yo eyes and yo ile melted my heart and took away yo ooth cheek.

Oh, I wish I could kiss you as soon as I saw yo face. My knees were weak and my heart was pounding, I hope I can feel you by my side and yo body is perfect. For me, it doesn't matter.

I like the way you look at me that day. I can't speak. My mouth is numb and my tongue stutters.

I wish I had the coage to do this becse you are the most betiful angel I have r seen. Maybe god closed his eyes to other girls, you attracted my attention. I have been waiting for you very much For years, I hope I can talk to you soon.

I just don't have the coage to thank you for the ile. I really feel so relaxed. I melt.

I can't say anything. I just stare at yo natal bety. I hope one day we can go out together.

We can spend o night in the bay. I can tell you my feelings. Thank you.

You wake me up. Deep in my heart Even if you don't love me, I will always be waiting for you. No matter what happens, you are in my heart.

No matter what happens, I hope I can hold you in my arms and tell you that I love you. That's all I love you. I love you.

It's a pmise to love you forr, brute.




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