
发布时间:2022-06-30 08:58:47 阅读:203 点赞:0


关于”西点师“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Pastry 。以下是关于西点师高考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。


One morning, o French ders watched as fo soldiers picked up a huge tank and tned it nd. The third engineeng camouflage battalion almost blew its cover off. The tank was inflatable rubber, and RD belonged to the special forces of RD headquarters, whose task was to fool the Germans.

The special weapons in the battalion, including fake aircraft, tanks and anti-aircraft guns, were desied to allow the fighting forces to change positions or attack when the German Army thought it was not moving. The soldiers of RD pretended to be the whole division they were going to enter at night. When the ninth army ted to css the Rhine, the tops they replaced slipped away.

When the ninth army ted to css the Rhine, they d the illusion of a huge build-up in vilson. So the real cssing took the Germans by spse.





Dung the Amecan Civil War, both armies knew that federal General George McClellan and Confederate general Ambse Hill were vals of the betiful Nelly Marcy. At West Point, Nelly had not decided for a while, and before she finally mared McClellan nett, she had flirted with them. It is worth noting that McClellan's campai nd Richmond Hill was The Union soldiers were tired of Hill's flank or rear attack.

Once, before the sun se, they attbuted Hill's behavior to personal hatred. Hill's people be to attack and were forced to ll out of bed to pick up weapons. The northern soldiers be to complain, and an old soldier ced in disgust "My God, Nelly, why don't you marry him?".




When I was going to heal Israel, the iniquity of Ephraim was raled, and the wickedness of Samaa raled, for they had done falsely, and the this came, and the ranks of the bbers were destyed outside, and they did not remember in their hearts all their wickedness; now they are besieging them before me, so that the king may be pleased with their wickedness, and the pnces with their lies. They are all erers, like a baker's oven, who knead the dough and will not se until the day of o king ferments. The leader made him sick with wine.

He used a scornful hand, for they were ready, and their hearts were like a fnace, and while they lay down, their Baker slept like a fire all night. They are all as hot as a fnace; they devo their judges. Their kings have fallen.

None of them called to me Ephraim. He mixed Ephraim with his people. Ephraim is a piece of bread that cannot be changed into a stranger.

He has swallowed up his stren, but he does not know that his hair is white all over his body, but he does not know that the pde of Israel ifies to him, and they do not retn to the LORD their God or seek him. For Ephraim is absent-minded like an iorant dove. I will go to Assya when they call for Ept, and I will scatter my net over them, and I will make them fall on them like birds of the sky.

I will punish them, just as their congregation has heard that evil is coming upon them. For they have sinned against me, and though I have redeemed them, they have told me lies, and have no heart to cry to me. When they howl in their beds, they gather together to eat corn and wine; they have betrayed me, and though I have bound their arms, they have not imagined disaster upon me; but they have retned, but not to the most high.

Their pnces will fall by the sword becse of the fy of their tongue. This is the mockery of their land of Ept.








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