
发布时间:2022-03-22 15:49:09 阅读:543 点赞:0


关于”学校发展历成“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:School dlopment。以下是关于学校发展历成四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:School dlopment

With the dlopment of social economy, a vaety of pvate schools emerge in endlessly. When you read newspapers, tn on TV, or n walk on the ad, you will inevitably see a lot of advertisements about pvate schools, mainly about forei languages, comrs, music, sports and so on. Is there so many pvate schools good or bad? On the one hand, pvate schools can meet the special needs of society, on the other hand, they can meet the special needs of people, becse of compason and competition, they often bng extra bden to people.

If I decide whether we should build a society without pvate schools or a society with pvate schools, then we should have a time to refer to the latter.




O school was founded in, and a large number of students graduated. Now many of them have become scientists, pfessors and engineers. After graduation, many students have also become workers and farmers.

They have made great achiments in the dlopment of modern industry and agculte. O school is a key secondary school in o pvince. There are 30 classes and students than others.

Last year, o school had a six storey teaching building, sral laboratoes and a large playgund. A new library was built. It has than books.

All the teachers are trying their best to do their work well. Every student is full use of his time to train himself to be a qualified student.




Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to o school. This is o school. There is a ad ahead and a ver behind.

When you enter the school fm the fnt door, you will see a betiful garden. There you will see the teaching building behind it. On the ght side of the building is the school store.

The library is there on the left. Behind the teaching building are the expemental building and the office building. On both sides of the o buildings are the student dormitory building (next to the shop) and the teacher's apartment building (next to the Library).

Next to the sports gund, there is a restaant behind the school, which has a long history and is dloping rapidly..






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