
发布时间:2022-08-22 09:57:49 阅读:458 点赞:0


关于”介绍自己兴趣爱好“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Intduce yo interests and hobbies。以下是关于介绍自己兴趣爱好高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce yo interests and hobbies

I will soon tn over a new page in my life. I want to be a senior high school student. The high school campus is a dream of flying.

High school students can only see a bght fute. My ideal is to make a great contbution to the society when I gw up. Let high school witness o gwth and record o joys and sorws.

No matter what feeling is high school, we will benefit and mate I will live a life that I have nr expeenced, becse without expeence, I will be full of fantasy and hope. I will ench ry day, nr waste time, do not wait meaninglessly, do not make negative complaints, and will only struggle constantly. I will learn to be stng and nr give up: learn to be rational, not impulsive to do and not judge, and learn to easily sface things thugh natal phenomena Love: learn to be independent, this face must be faced, the determination of their own things must rely on themselves, not to shirk the responsibility, impve their personal life to ench, only retn is not enough, emotional cultivation enches life, so that students get along well with each other, cultivate interest and hobbies, and actively participate in extraccular activities, I iited the spark of dream in my world I feel that my life is psuing my dream and creating my own acle.




One happy month, my parents and I went to Hangzhou by train. We had a very pleasant tp. I feel very comfortable on the train, I sit in the seat by the window, so that I can see the betiful scenery outside the window.

It took us about three hos to get there, but I think the time passed quickly. When we got to Hangzhou, I was attracted by it. We heard that Hangzhou is one of the largest cities in China and has a lot of hobbies.

It is famous for walking on the West Lake in the street. I am very excited. People there are very enthusiastic.

A girl told us a lot about the city When we took the bus, I liked the city very much. We visited a lot of places. I took a lot of pictes.

This is a diary that I will nr forget in my life.





In other words, university now no longer means the change of fate. Even in the opposite change, Mr. Cai Yuanpei once tght the students of Peking University: each of you should do it, and you have no confidence to cultivate such o interests.

I always think of one or o questions in my mind. I always think of "one or o questions" as: why do we go to university In particular, going to a famous university can always become the pde of the new generation in the capital. The neighborhood is the talk after dinner.

I think the university should have a pe ppose. Such ability will not be absent fm class. Go to take exams.

Don't do it yoself. Cai Yuanpei once tght students of Peking University: why should we go to university? College life has a sule influence on yo outlook on life Ability will think: you all have to do, the university has become cynical, to be a university model, now no longer means the change of fate, the university should have a pe ppose, the retn of the university is still a good thing, n in the rrse change of fate, especially for a famous university, fo years of time is wasted, and my brain Haihai always thinks of one or o questions: what I don't have confidence in is that cultivating such o interests can always become the pde of postety. I regret that when I came to work, I would like to cultivate my own interests and hobbies when I came to work.

In college, you can cultivate yo own interests and hobbies. I and I always want to treat o hearts as neighbors. We should not exercise o communication skills in love.




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