
发布时间:2022-07-19 11:25:48 阅读:360 点赞:0


关于”介绍爱迪生发明“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Intduction to Edison's invention。以下是关于介绍爱迪生发明高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to Edison's invention

Dear, as soon as I received yo letter with a check marked "insufficient funds", I immediately called my bank. The gentleman I spoke to found that the bank had failed to deposit a large deposit I had made a few days ago into my account. The bank has assed me that they will send you an official apolo for their mistake.

The enclosed apolo is my check amount of $, in place of The dishonoed one you have retned.




Thomas Edison was born in and died when he was a child. When he was five years old, he was always trying new ideas. One day, his father saw him sitting on some eggs.

He asked his father, "why can't I have chickens?" little Tom only stayed in school for three months. His teacher didn't think he was a good student becse he asked many strange questions The teacher expelled him fm school and his mother be to teach him herself.




The hardworking blackith Jones used to work in his shop all day. He worked very hard and sometimes made the hammer spark. Mr.

Smith's son, a wealthy neighbor, used to visit the blackith ry day, ho after ho. He liked to see how the businesan worked. "Young man," why don't you try to learn to make tacks with yo hands, n if it's just to pass the time, "said the blackith." who knows, one day, it might be useful to you.

" The lazy child be to understand what he could do, but after a little practice, he found himself very skilled, and soon he made some of the best tacks. Mr. Smith died, and so did his son.

Becse of the war, he lost all his goods. He had to leave his hometown and settle down in another country. It happens that in this village, there are many shoemakers who spend a lot of money on tacks.

Even when they pay a high pce, they may not get what they want, becse in that part of the country, there is a great demand for shoemakers of soldiers. The young Mr. Smith found it difficult to earn the daily bread.

He remembered that he had learned the art of pins. He suddenly thought of bargaining with the shoemakers. He told them that he would make tacks if the cobblers wanted to.

In order to make him settle down in his workshop, the shoemakers were very happy with the pposal. After a while, Mr. Smith found that he was very quick ng the best tacks in the village.

"How interesting it looks," he used to say, "n tacks can bng a fortune. My business is useful to me than all the wealth before.".






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