
发布时间:2022-08-04 15:02:15 阅读:243 点赞:0


关于”对蓝领见解“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Opinions on blue collar。以下是关于对蓝领见解xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Opinions on blue collar

A sn day long holiday has flown away, moning the happy time in my holiday. I have been looking forward to the arval of winter vacation. The people nd me seem to enjoy this holiday very much.

Is it fair that people have the same vacation no matter what they are engaged in? Howr, there are some different views on this issue. People think that workers should have the same holidays. They think that people are born equal and should be treated equally.

The same leise time can eliminate the unfair psycholo beeen people. If not, it seems to be a very attractive idea. But fm the beginning, it does not need too much ysis.

People do different types of work, and the intensity of labor is also different. Therefore, it takes different time to recover physical condition. For example, blue collar workers may work before they are tired For a longer peod of time, white-collar workers, such as doctors and teachers, have greater mental presse and can't work continuously like manual workers.

Howr, white-collar workers need time to overcome mental fatigue rather than physical fatigue. People in different positions bear different responsibilities and bear different degrees of presse. Second, different occupations require different tasks and responsibilities, resulting in different industes The difference beeen people's holidays.




It is obvious that knowledge is power in the information age. With the rapid dlopment of science and technolo, the gwth rate of human knowledge is faster and faster. More and books and scientific papers are published ry year.

It is said that the total amount of human knowledge doubles ry ten years. Information spreads very fast thugh television and comr neork. People in different countes can share it in a very short time Enjoy their knowledge and information, just like the population explosion and information explosion in the early stage of the industal revolution, the comparative advantage of a country depends largely on natal resoces.

At that time, people expeenced sral stages of the Industal Revolution: the first industry (agculte, the second industry, the present manufacting industry and the third industry), and we are now in the foth industry stage of information industry Ye belis that people in the fute should no longer be divided into white-collar workers and blue collar workers, but should be knowledge workers and non knowledge workers. Knowledge workers can not only read and wte, but also memoze by te. They must meet the basic requirements of comr literacy, constantly devise new methods to adapt to the r-changing requirements of pductivity.

People who the most advanced knowledge will lead dlopers, comr scientists and pgrammers. Industal countes need mament ysts and inventors most. Every country faces recovery investment and investment The challenge of training, the only way to oain knowledge is that education and training knowledge, like capital and mateal resoces, have become an essential factor of pduction.

Therefore, the of education should enable its members to make rapid transition to adapt to the knowledge war, otherwise the society will inevitably fall behind.




A young girl came back fm a date and looked sad. She told her mother that Charles pposed to me a few minutes ago. Why do you ask Mom and dad becse he also mentioned that he was an atheist mother, and he didn't beli her mother would marry him back beeen us.

Tell him how wng he is.




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