
发布时间:2022-06-20 08:07:27 阅读:222 点赞:0




For ry high pest chosen out of men is set up for men to offer gifts and sacfices in the of God for the sins of those who have compassion on the iorant and the remote. Becse he is also weak, he should also sacfice for himself for the sins of the people. No one gives this glory to himself, but he who is called by God, like Aan, does not glofy himself And he did not make him a high pest, but he who said to him, "you are my son, and I have given birth to you today, as he said, you are a pest forr elsewhere, according to the command of Melchizedek.

In his years, when he was heard praying with stng ces and tears to those who could save him fm death, although he was a son, he learned obedience becse of his suffengs And he became the creator of eternal salvation for all who obeyed him. God was the high pest, as Melchizedek had commanded. We have much to say, and it is hard to say, becse when you should have been teachers, you need to be tght again.

This is the first pnciple of God's Oracle, and become a man who needs milk and does not need stng flesh. All who use milk are unfamiliar in the way of ghteousness Yes, becse he is a baby; but the stng flesh belongs to those who are gwn-up, who use milk so that their senses can distinguish beeen good and evil.




The teapot has a Chinese teapot. She likes to boast that she has a betiful long mouth and a big handle at the fnt and back. She is especially pud of it.

But she is silent about her ugly lid. The lid is bken and cracked. The loose sticky teacup, a cream pot and a sugar bowl have been joking about the teapot, saying that the lid of her teapot is bken and scarred.

Whenr she brags, she suddenly feels depressed. On all these occasions, she comforted herself by saying, "yes, I know that my weakness is that ryone has his own weakness, and that ryone has his own weakness. At the same time, the teacup has a gp and the sugar bowl has a lid, but I have both.

I don't n have a mouth, that is, to stimulate people's appetite with sugar bowls and cream cans. I'm a benefactor for thirsty people. I'm on the tea table One day, a very betiful and elet hand picked up the teapot, but accidentally, that hand dpped the teapot to the gund.

Her mouth and the teapot in her hand used to be pud of. The lid of her teapot was bken into pieces. People made a fuss when cleaning the hot boiling water.

Fm that moment on, people be to regard the teapot as old and useless. Fm that moment on, ryone lghed at her, not at the careless hand that people threw teapots at beggars. "I have no hope." The teapot ed and ced, her situation ‰ although the teapot had nr imagined before, one day she be a new and different life.

The teapot was full of soil, and she was hit again that day. But someone planted a flower seed on her body, and the seed took ot and sputed in the teapot the teapot felt the seed, her heart revived and her heart pounded She looked at the flowers, wored and wored, but the flowers did not n say thank you for the teapot. They did not seem to know that the teapot n existed.

They were moved by their bety. One day, the teapot looked at the flowers and felt very happy. Someone moved the flowers fm the teapot to a better flowerpot.

The teapot was bken in o and thwn into a corner of the garden, but the teapot lived her life and left her memory to herself.


茶壶有一个茶壶,她喜欢自夸自己有一张漂亮长嘴,前后都有一个很大把手,她特别引以为豪,但她对自己丑陋盖子却闭口不谈,那盖子破了,裂开了,粘得松松茶杯,一个奶油罐和一个糖碗一直拿茶壶开玩笑,说她茶壶盖破了,有疤痕。每当她自吹自擂时,她突然感到沮丧。在所有这些场合,她安自己说:“是,我知道我弱点是每个人都有自己弱点,而且每个人都有自己弱点才华横溢同时,茶杯有握,糖碗有盖,但我两样都有,我连一张嘴都没有,即使糖碗和奶油罐刺激人们食欲,我是给口渴人施舍人我是茶几上皇后“ 有一天,一只非常漂亮优雅手拿起了茶壶,但不小心,那只手把茶壶掉到了地上,她嘴和握着茶壶曾经引以为傲,她壶盖都碎成了碎片,人们在清理热腾腾开水时大惊小怪,从那一刻起,人们开始把茶壶当作旧、无用了。

从那一刻起,大家都嘲笑她,而不是嘲笑人们把茶壶扔给乞丐那只粗心手。“我没有希望了。”茶壶呻吟着哭了起来她处境‰尽管茶壶以前从未想象过,但有一天她开始了新、不同生活,茶壶里装满了泥土,那天她又受到了一次冲击,但有人在她身上种下了一颗花籽,种子在茶壶里生根发芽了 茶壶感觉到了种子,她心苏醒了,呼吸着她心怦怦直跳,种子吐出新芽,花开了茶壶,可以忘却她过去,她看着花儿,烦恼和烦恼,但是花儿连谢谢茶壶话都没有说,他们好像不知道茶壶甚至存在谁看了花,都被它们美丽所打动了。



Why, O Lord, are you standing far away. Why hide yoself in times of tuble. The wicked persecute the poor with their pde.

Let them be deceived by the schemes of the wicked, for the wicked boast of their desire and bless the greedy. The LORD des the wicked becse of the pde of his face, and he will not seek him. God is not in all his thoughts; his works are always sorwful.

Yo judent is far beyond his sight becse he boasts to them. And he said in his heart, I will not waver, for I will nr be in tuble. His mouth is full of cse and deceit.

The deceit under his tongue is malice, the void where he sits, hidden in the secret of the village, he kills the innocent; his eyes are fixed on the poor; he lies in ambush like a lion in his nest; he lies in wait to catch the poor; when he pulls the poor into his net, he cls up, humbles himself, and makes the poor fall before his stng ones. He says in his heart, God has forgotten to hide his face Nr see him get up. Lord, lift up yo hand, and do not forget why the humble despise God.

And he said in his heart, you will not ask God, for you have seen the wickedness of the wicked, and the hand of the poor to repay you, ing the orphans. Break the arm of the wicked. The wicked seek his wickedness until you cannot find the lord king forr.

The Gentiles peshed fm his land. When you hear the wishes of the humble, prepare their hearts so that yo ears may hear the judent of the Lord, so that the people of the earth will no longer oppress the orphans and oppress them.








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