
发布时间:2022-05-29 06:42:45 阅读:325 点赞:0


关于”生活用品“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:articles for daily use。以下是关于生活用品专业英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:articles for daily use

A svey shows that in recent years, the monthly expendite of college students has sen sharply. Many college students have no idea of thft. They think it is natal to spend their parents' money before they enter the society.

This luxy consumption is mainly csed by the following factors. First of all, most students are the only child in the family. They are the apple of the eye of the family.

Natally, they will get care and pocket money. With the impvement of living standards, parents can afford expenses for their children. And some students like to psue fashion and trend.

Finally, campus love is the same Fm my point of view, a college student, as a pe consumer, should learn to be thfty. We should limit the spending on daily necessities, but don't buy anything we want, regardless of the pce. The habit of frugality s us form correct values and is conducive to o fute dlopment.




Apl 4 is an unusual day in the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Pvince. It is said that many people were injed and many buildings were destyed. My heart is full of sadness.

But fortunately, love can make the world tn. More and people give them a ing hand. As a student, we should call on people to raise money for them and them rebuild their homes.

We can do it in the festival As volunteers, you can also donate daily necessities to them. In a word, we should pvide them with mateals, love, money, etc. Let's do o best to them, and let us fill the world with love and hope.




In case of fire, pper fire extinguishing methods should be adopted, and apppate fire extinguisher should be selected and used to actively put out the fire. It is considered that the fire in the airtight om should not be prepared before cutting off the equipment and mateals of the engine. The "self" alarm should be configed, and the clear location, fire trend, full name of personnel and alarm telephone number should be given.

People should be sent out of the intersection of the community to meet the fire truck, and to ptect the fire engine when escaping Keep calm, quickly judge the dangeus and safe places, evacuate as soon as possible, do not allow to rush out or refuse to leave the pperty, wrap the body tightly with daily linen clothes and other articles thugh the fire area, cover yo mouth and nose, and keep close to the floor. Do not run when yo body is on fire, and the flame presse on yo body is killed, plunge into the closed water, or Use clothes and other daily necessities to fghten the seedlings to cut off the engine or run for life. For example, if the ad is not ooth, you may not catch fire when you go downstairs.

If the stairs or entrances that are not than one floor high are closed due to fire, cloth, bed sheets, carpets, ctains, etc. can be used to make pes, and the balcony, water pipes, etc. slide thugh the windows to escape.

The way out is to retreat to other quilts The door and window leading to the blowing area shall be closed when the floor is high and indoor. The windows and doors shall be conditionally sealed with wet cloth and towel, and the windows and doors shall be watered with water to avoid fire on one side. Meanwhile, the flashlight shall be constantly called for .

The pnted cloth can send out a distress sial by oscillation. It is absolutely forbidden to take an electc elevator at night and build it rashly.




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