
发布时间:2022-07-28 13:49:46 阅读:159 点赞:0


关于”介绍夏天天气小“英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Intduce the weather in summer。以下是关于介绍夏天天气小高二英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduce the weather in summer

This is a story about Josh and his Chevy. His Chevy doesn't have a dver's license, but Josh used to dve on the path nd the farm. One day last summer, the old car bke down a mile away fm home, and the axle bke down.

Now, Josh, he's a bit short of money. He could have called a trailer, but not, not Josh. He took the car one by one Once he gets the bumpers together, he'll get them all in the barn, and then he'll get them all in the barn and one of the spare parts.

It was a hot day, "Josh," his neighbor said, "I know you don't want to spend money on a trailer, but don't you think it's too hot to walk so far behind the door? Josh, no, I can't say I lled down the window.




What I will nr forget is that one summer night when I was six years old, I felt a little uncomfortable and had a headache. I didn't let my parents know. I fell asleep until my mother woke me up.

My mother touched my forehead and said, "Ron has a fr again." my father immediately called a taxi to take us to the hospital. At that time, local taxis didn't have air conditioning. In addition, it was hot that day, I felt the temperate in the car was very high, but I didn't cry becse I was too weak and the taxi dver was speeding.

Howr, it was still a long and slow joney. Finally we arved at the hospital. I don't remember what happened later.

I only remember that day I had a bad headache. Now I am not as easy to get sick as before, but I will nr I'll forget about taking a taxi all my life.




At school, we have summer holidays. It's so hot in summer that o brains need to rest after a peod of hard work. So, for the sake of health, we have summer vacation.

There are many sports that are good for o health in summer, such as swimming, tennis and baseball. But we should pay attention not to practice such sports all day long, which is very harmful to o health. The other thing we have to think about is that we shouldn't spend all o time playing.

We go to school to acquire some knowledge, which is useful for o life.





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