
发布时间:2022-08-12 11:58:11 阅读:188 点赞:0


关于”考试我自我介绍“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:I intduce myself to the examination。以下是关于考试我自我介绍专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I intduce myself to the examination

In recent years, in order to get high marks in College English , many college students are stepping up the CET-4. Although many students have passed the season of CET-4, the campus is full of students who are busy prepang for CET. Some people do not like the idea of taking CET-4 again and again becse of their high scores.

Although the cost of CET-4 is not high, it will be a considerable financial bden to take part in the regularly, and we are prepang for it ry year It is a waste of time, becse you can do something meaningful in the golden age of college. Students should not focus on College English examination, but should stve to cultivate other abilities. If we need to English well in the fute, it is OK to repeatedly take CET-6 in order to be competitive in the job I understand that we can go fther and take a high-ll such as TOEFL or IELTS, but if not, we should not waste time and ener taking CET repeatedly.




Dear Xiao Li, you will take CET-4 in June. I want to share with you my understanding of the . I hope it can you.

First of all, you should have a clear understanding of the and yo English ll. You can prepare for the accordingly. You can focus on yo weakest points at the beginning.

For example, I have poor listening. I spent time practicing. I didn't find too much difficulty in doing this part.

They should do the other parts included in the This is a good way to do a model once a week. As the exam appaches, you can review all the exercises you have done and pay attention to the mistakes you have made. More importantly, when you are going to take the exam, you should be calm and confident.

I beli you will do well in the exam, Zhang Qiang.




Now the school has orized a lot of examinations, and students have different opinions about it. Some students think it is necessary for us to take exams frequently, becse it can ench o expeence, but others hold the opposite view. In my opinion, frequent examinations are not a very useful review method.

I support the second point of view. We come to school to acquire knowledge rather than examination, so dung the review peod, learning is always o pmary task, O school has orized a lot of examinations. Some students think it is necessary.

They say that these examinations will them acquire knowledge and make them continue to study hard. They will be unfamiliar with the examination pcess and thus reduce their tension. Others have different ideas.

They think these s make them nervous and insece. If they get low marks, in my opinion, taking part in the text has Help to get good grades in college entrance examination.




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