
发布时间:2022-06-22 10:27:39 阅读:122 点赞:0


关于”读语音语调“英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Pnunciation and intonation of reading。以下是关于读语音语调高二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Pnunciation and intonation of reading

Once upon a time, there was a child about to be born, so one day he asked God, they told me that you would send me to earth tomorw. But among the many angels, God replied, "since I am all and less, how can I live there? I chose one for you. She will wait for you and take care of you.

But the child is not se that he really wants to go, but he tells me what I am in heaven Don't do anything, just sing and ile, which is enough to make me feel happy. Yo angel will sing for you and ile for you. You will feel yo angel's love and you will feel happy.

How can I understand when people talk to me? The child continued, if I don't understand the language people speak, God patted his head and said, yo angel will tell you the most betiful and sweet words you hear, yo angel will teach you how to speak, I will teach you how to do. I want to talk to you, but God has the answer to this question. Yo angel will put yo hands together and teach you how to pray.

I heard that there are bad people on earth who will ptect me. Yo angel will ptect you. Even if it means sking my life, I will always be sad becse I will nr see you again.

The child carefully continued to say that God was iling at the young child, and yo angel would always talk to you about me and teach you how to come back to me. Although there was a lot of peace in heaven at that time, the voice fm the earth could already be heard. The child knew that he was about to start his joney soon.

He asked God another question, and said softly, my God, if I am now When you are about to leave, please tell me my angel's name. God touched the child's shoulder and said, "it's not difficult to remember yo angel's name. You just need to call her mother.".




Live a real life, not the crazy psuit of the next pmotion. The higher the salary, the bigger the house, yo life is not lonely. Find the people you love, the people who love you, and remember that love is not leisely, but work, answer the phone, send an email, wte a letter, live a geneus life and realize that life is the best.

You have no reason to think that's reasonable Of cose, wasting o lives, o days, o time, o time, it's easy to take for granted the color of children's eyes, the ups and downs of the melody in the symphony, disappeang and sing again. It's so easy to impvise rather than live. I learned to live many years ago, and some really, really bad things changed my life Life, if I have a choice, it will nr be changed.

What I learned fm it is that today seems to be the hardest lesson I have learned to love this joney, not the destination I learned. It is not rehearsal. Today is the only guarantee you get.

I learned to see all the good things in the world and try to give it back to you, becse I am completely and completely Beli it, and I ted to do it in part by telling others what I learned: think of lilies in the fields, look at the fluffy hair on yo children's ears, the sun shining on yo face, reading in the backyard, learn to be happy and treat life as an incable disease, becse if you do, you will live happily and passion should live.




Dear students, I'm very glad to be here today. I want to say something about learning English. Many of us want to know how to learn English well.

This is my idea. I think we should listen and read English . We can listen and read English by watching English movies and reading English books.

Listening to English music can also you. Second, we must use English. We can Don't be shy to talk to o English teachers or clasates.

They can't lgh at you. Finally, when we forget English words, we can find them in English dictionary. English is an important forei language.

It is very useful for us in the fute. So we should learn English well. Thank you.




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