
发布时间:2022-08-09 11:00:26 阅读:151 点赞:0


关于”对介绍“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Intduction to。以下是关于对介绍高三英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Intduction to

Archangel Michael is closest to God in Jewish scpte becse his name means "like God.". As an archangel, he was given the command of all the natal phenomena of God, including rain, wind, fire, snow, tder, and lightning. Many Jews belid that Michael looked like a fire in a bning bush to Moses, and bught Daniel fm Denny of the lion to the Chstian Bible.

It is said that Michael was an angel and told the Virgin Mary that she was going to die. According to Muslims, Michael's body is covered with fine hairs, each of which, like a tongue, pleads for the mercy of Allah. On behalf of sinners, fighting archangels and defenders of heaven, Michael is said to be the patn saint of the police, becse in the rlation, Michael will lead the army of God against the and his angels in the final battle, and many people seek Michael's Help to deal with lawless elements on earth.

All those who need ptection fm cme or physical or spitual enemies can ask for fm archangels. Many people report that it is good to bn a Michael novina Angel candle at home becse of Michael's pminent position, sacred card and religious color. It is good to bn a Michael novina Angel candle at home Medals and aluminum wallet cards, candles and oiling have been on the for a long time, all of which are used by spitual practitioners who want to keep Michael's image in fnt of them as accessoes for their prayers and dedication.

It is said that those who light a novella candle to Archangel Michael, recite the psalm, and as long as the candle bns, they will be ptected by him. According to the belief of ancient Jews, they had sn archangels. Every day of the week, fo of the most famous are Michael, Gabel, Raphael and Uel (Ollie), who work in Afcan Amecan witchcraft or ots.

Two of them are with a powerful natal antique called Angel ot or Archangel ot. Michael, the largest, is with the angel ot Used together as a female Archangel Gabel who is about preancy, it works with this ot in its le as a herbal supplement for female repductive health.





The Netherlands has a total area of square kilometers. It is located in Western Eupe, bordeng Germany in the East, Belgium in the west, North Sea in the north, and the delta of Rhine River, Mars River and scheld ver. Its coastline is kilometers long.

It is a lowland. One quarter of the land is at an altitude of less than meters and less than one quarter of the land area. The total area of the coastal seawall over km and andI reclamation since the 13th centy is about It is located in the Rhine River in the northwest coastal area of Maas.

The western coast is lowland, and the eastern part is wavy plain. In the middle and southeast of the plate, the Netherlands is connected by the Rhine River, Maas River and scherder River Delta. It is called "Holland" in German, which means "low country" More than half of the land is below sea ll or near flat.

The Dutch climate is called temperate mane climate. The temperate in winter and summer is cool. The monthly average temperate is: degree centigrade.

The soil is above centigrade due to low tide. The Dutch accepted the French pito invented by the Gls. In the history of the Netherlands for dreds of years, in view of its typical annual precipitation of millimeter, natal gas, oil and coal The reserves are 3 degrees centigrade.




Dear tomaafmy, my parents and I went to the seaside at the weekend. After arving at the hotel, we had a sees of activities. At first, we played volleyball in Beth and had a good time.

Then we went out to play pinecones. In the ning, we really enjoyed oselves. We went for a walk.

We felt very relaxed. This is the best place I have r been to. I'll leave a meeting for you and say we are about Sunday Come back in the afternoon.




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