
发布时间:2022-03-21 11:07:42 阅读:118 点赞:0


关于”题目“英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Grandfather's topic。以下是关于题目初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Grandfather's topic

My grandfather likes to plant flowers very much. O family is a world of flowers. He loves these flowers all the year und in o yard.

He can touch his flowers without his permission. Sometimes I think he likes flowers than me. But after an accident, I changed my mind.

I walked out of the om and found that rything was covered with snow How betiful. Then I noticed that the flowers were bied in the snow. They must be very cold.

Why don't you po some hot water on them? As soon as I had this idea, I rushed into the om. I watered the flowers slowly and watched the snow melt. I was very happy.

I could n imagine my grandfather's praise. I watered my feet. I ced.

They came out to see what happened. I noticed my grandfather His face tned red. He raised his hand as if he wanted to hit me.

I was very afraid and tears came into my eyes, but the hand did not touch my grandfather. He took me into his arms and took me into the om. With my grandfather's , I'll see what a stupid thing I've done.

The flowers watered with hot water will sely die, but I pmise my grandfather that next year, the day after tomorw, I will plant flowers for him.





My grandfather my grandfather is now in his sixties, but he is in good health. His hair is still black. He is tall and handsome and looks like a gentleman.

Beli it or not, he started learning to dve last year, and now he dves the white Nissan ry day. My grandfather has been teaching English for sral years. He has been to many countes, such as Ameca, France and Canada.

Now he is going to Eope with my grandmother.




One day, my grandfather and his grandson went to play golf. The young one was very good, and the old one just tipped him. They were in the hole, and there was a tree blocking the ad.

My grandfather said that when I was yo age, I would hit the tree, and the ball would fall on the tree, which was not far fm the start of the ball. When I was yo age, my grandparents had been learning about this tree for only a few English Foot height.




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