
发布时间:2022-06-20 16:14:51 阅读:428 点赞:0


关于”外出郊游“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Go out for an outing。以下是关于外出郊游初一英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Go out for an outing

I had a lot of things to do almost ry day at school last week. I arved at o school in the morning and usually had an ho of self-study after arving at school. I started class in the morning.

At noon, I had a rest in the classom after lunch. In the afternoon, I had o classes. In the afternoon, I took part in sports activities.

When I got home in the afternoon, I often ed my parents do some housework on weekends. How busy we were when we went out for an outing.




a: Hello, I can ask you something about this place. B: of cose, I'm a resident here. What do you want to know? A: nice to meet you.

Well, I'm new here. Could you intduce some interesting places for me to visit? Well, it's nothing special. The most important place you should go is the shopping mall, becse people here like to shop.

A: it's really interesting. For details, please B: OK, it's very . The people here are ch people.

There's nothing they can do in this city, so the only thing they can do is to shop. That's why I hope you can enjoy yo life with shoppinga B: where do you come fm? A: most people say you are ch, but why do you look poor? A: who says I've nr heard of it. B: at least all the Chinese used to think you were ch.

Not all Amecans were ch. For example, I'm a poor man. B: I'm really sorry Not on ppose ha: no pblem.

I have to go and see if anyone can tell me something about where I should go. I have to go. Nice to meet you.

B: I had a good day. bye.


a: 你好,我能问你一些关于这个地方事情B:当然,我是这里居民,你想知道什么a:很高兴认识你,嗯,我是新来,今天早上刚到,你能介绍一些有趣地方给我参观一下吗?嗯,没什么特别,你最应该去地方是购物中心,因为,这里人喜欢购物A:真很有趣,更多细节请B:好吧,很简单,这里人都是有钱人,在这个城市里没有什么可以做,所以他们唯一能做就是购物,这就是为什么希望你也能享受你和shoppinga生活:哇,听起来不可思议,我应该带多少钱到访这里摇头)b:你从哪里来a:国家b:大多数人都说你们很有钱,但为什么你看起来很穷a:谁说我从来没听说过b:至少所有人过去都认为你很有钱,不完全不是人都是富人,比如我是个穷人,真B:对不起,我不是故意哈:没问题。我得去看看有没有人能告诉我一些我应该去地方。我得走了,很高兴见到你B:我今天过得愉快。



The weather was fine last Sunday. We went to Xishan by bus. Some students planted trees.

Some people cared water becse we worked hard. We were very tired, but we were very happy. We all know that trees can stop the wind fm blowing into the sand of the city.

They can make the city betiful. Lakai in tumn now clearly remembers the story happened in tumn, when the leaves fell to the gund and restored the lake. We used to swim like children and glitter in the sun.

At that time, we were very happy. I thought we were, but the fact is that you always wanted to leave me. In that precious night, you didn't dare to tell me.

Looking at the lake, you said: o reason It's about to end. The rain is killing the last few days of summer. You have been killing my last breath of love, becse a long time ago, I still didn't think I would expeence another love story.

You took it away fm me. I stood there, I knew that I would be the abandoned one, but I was still looking at the lake, in a trance, I knew my life was coming to an end.




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