
发布时间:2022-07-07 08:12:56 阅读:336 点赞:0


关于”我家庭生活“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My family life。以下是关于我家庭生活专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My family life

Some people like things to stay the same, others like to change. My personal preference is to establish a utine and stick to it. Although I was not like this when I was young, I am not a pduct of habit.

When summer comes, I like to change. I am free fm the responsibility of school. I will travel, take off with fends occasionally, and make decisions like this ry day.

I have many New expeences, meeting new interesting people, learning a lot about life, I like to stick to a utine, which is partly becse I'm a mother of o children, and I find their lives hr. For example, if I don't mess up their schedules, we take a shower ry night, put on pajamas, read them stoes, and let them sleep. Sometimes it's very bad Convenient, but if we stick to o daily life, ryone in the family will be hr.

In addition, o fends will ask when we will go home and when we will be free. In short, my type changes with my living envinment. My family life forced me to have a fixed life habit when I was young.

I like the suspense and advente of living a crazy life. Now the stability of family life is suitable for me. I think that although most people need a minimum sense of secuty But people who depend on you often change yo lifestyle.




   ▶ /Traffic jams Shenzhou-6 craft lnched succesully, China's national stren and scientific ability, traffic accidents dve day and night, dnk less rest and dve, support the family, make family life colorful, cultivate a sense of responsibility and care, make people closer to nate, spread disease, pollute the living envinment, waste time and money to scare and ht people, children and the elderly.


   ▶ /交通堵塞神舟六号飞船发成,我国国力和科学能力交通事故以继夜开车,酒后少休息开车,养家糊口,使家庭生活更加丰富多彩,培养责任感和关爱感,使人们更加亲近自然,传播疾病,污染生活环境浪费时间和金钱去吓唬伤害人,小孩和老人。


▶ /Traffic jams Shenzhou-6 craft lnched succesully, China's national stren and scientific ability, traffic accidents dve day and night, dnk less rest and dve, support the family, make family life colorful, cultivate a sense of responsibility and care, make people closer to nate, spread disease, pollute the living envinment, waste time and money to scare and ht people, children and the elderly.


▶ /交通堵塞神舟六号飞船发成,我国国力和科学能力交通事故以继夜开车,酒后少休息开车,养家糊口,使家庭生活更加丰富多彩,培养责任感和关爱感,使人们更加亲近自然,传播疾病,污染生活环境浪费时间和金钱去吓唬伤害人,小孩和老人。


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