
发布时间:2022-03-28 07:20:17 阅读:629 点赞:0




Dr. Gsann and his colleagues removed the relevant information fm the records, as well as any clues about the participants' nationalities, and then passed the edited version to a gup of assessors who were trained to consistently rate the transcbed responses and showed that their scores were statistically comparable Gsann the assessor divided the participants' responses on a scale of 1 to 3, trying to capte the extent to which they discussed the five key aspects of wise reasoning that psychologists beli are: the williness to seek opportunities, to resolve conflicts, to seek compmise, to acknowledge the limitations of personal knowledge, to recoize that pblems can have multiple perspectives, and to recoize that things can get worse before they get better in any way, a score of 1 means that the participants don't think about it, a score of 2 indicates some consideration, and three points means a lot of consideration. Each participant's score is added up and mathematically converted to an overall value of interpersonal and inter gup intelligence in the range of 0 to 0 the result is that, as Dr.

Gsan has previously found, Amecans do change with age On the ace, these results show that the Japanese learn wisdom faster than the Amecans, which is one higher than that of the Amecans Well, for the shveled great s, they also imply a paradox: the United States is seen as an individualistic society, while Japan is a rather collectivist country, but the Japanese score higher in interpersonal intelligence than Amecans. You may think that it is useful for Amecans in an individualistic society, by contrast, at least in the mate age of the elderly, their gups When society is collective, you need personal skills. When society is individuali, you need social skills.

All this shows that the real ot of wisdom is: don't assume, grasshopper, that yo prejudice is ght.


Gsann博士和他同事从记录中删除了相关,以及关于参与者国籍任何线索,将编辑好版传递给一组评估员,这些评估员经过培训,能够对转录回答进行一致评分,并通过表明,他们评分在统计学上具有可比 Gsann 评估员将参与者回答分为1到3分,这试图捕捉他们讨论心理学家认为明智推理五个关键方面程度:寻求机会意愿解决冲突意愿寻求妥协承认个人知识局限认识到问题可能存在多种观点,并认识到事情在好转之前可能会变得更糟 在任面得分为1表示参与者不考虑它,得分为2表示一些考虑三分表示大量考虑每个参与者分数被加起来并进行数学转换,以创造一个在0到0范围内人际和群体间智慧整体价值 结果是,正如格罗斯曼博士以前发现那样,人确实会随着年龄增长而变得更聪明他们组间智慧得分在岁时和在他们人际关系得分上相似地从上升到,相比之下,几乎没有随年龄变化而变化,岁和岁人对于人际智慧平均组间智慧是,这是和 格罗斯曼 从表面上看,这些结果表明人学习智慧更快比人高出一个,那么,对瘪曾主人,但他们也暗示了一个悖论:被视为一个个人主义社会,而是一个相当集体主义国家,但人在人际智慧方面得分比人高,你可能认为这在一个个人主义社会是有用人,相比之下,至少在老年人成熟时期,他们群体间智慧要比所谓集体主义人多,那么,当社会是集体时候,你需要个人技能,当社会是个人主义时候,你需要社会技能。所有这些都表明,智慧真正根源是:不要假设,小蚱蜢,你偏见是正确。


In modern society, and people feel that indifference is common. First of all, in the past few decades, economic dlopment is the pmary task of many people. Their pmary task is to make money, which leads to people's blindness to other aspects of life, such as moral psuit and fendship.

People spend less time with family and fends, and n less willing to associate with neighbors. A considerable number of people keep a distance fm their relatives. Secondly, the sense of individuali is also It explains that the indifference of young people, especially when they no longer beli in collectivi, are concerned about their interests than their parents.

In addition, the influence of education and other media will affect people. This is indeed a kind of harm to a country that has long emphasized the relationship beeen people. Therefore, we need to tranorm this indifference into harmony.




The teacher said, no ideal, just like a ship without nuclear power, will nr sail. Everyone has his own ideal. Some people want to be scientists, some want to be doctors, and some people want to be soldiers.

So my ideal is to be a basketball player named McGrady, Kobe Bryant, LeBn James. I think no one in the NBA does not know, and no one knows rything, he Their outstanding performance, creeping breakthugh and consistent dunk, really let me ry time I see such a scene, will jump fm the sofa, cheeng for them the moment came, I have been secretly determined to be a basketball player when I gw up, I know to be a basketball player is not an easy thing, need tenacious willpower, unremitting I work hard, crazy basketball, I will realize my dream. I will practice with my clasates in ry PE class and ry noon break.

I have sied up to participate in the school basketball competition. I think that in this , we can defeat the stng team with o own sweat and achi o first place In fact, the students have been enough to cheer for us. Why do I still feel that I don't meet o dream.

I really want to join the national team. Learn the collectivist team spit of Sun Yue, Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian, and stve to win honor for o country in the world-class basketball . I love basketball, I love my motherland, and the glory of love is the ball winning honor for the country in the Can reflect the spit of patoti of athletes, I firmly grasp the basketball, the song in the end of the world does not change heart, always love the Chinese people.




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