
发布时间:2022-08-08 14:09:23 阅读:156 点赞:0


关于”“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Feng Shui。以下是关于初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Feng Shui

Plants are very important to us. Plants can clean the air. Plants can also give us food, such as bananas, apples and oranges.

People can use trees to make and build things, such as houses. When the weather is sunny and hot, people can sit in the shade under the trees. We use trees to make books to cover the soil.

Fengshui doesn't take away the soil.




First of all, the tomb and coffin should be pperly located. Geomantic experts or geomantic experts use vers, vers, trees, hills and other sunding areas facing the south to determine the quality of land. Unfortunately, the pine forest d the best coic ener flow needed to maintain the happiness of the ancestors.

Nowadays, with the rapid gwth of China's population, public to have rapidly spassed pvate cemetees. In the Qing Dynasty, the elders of the family went to the cemetery at least once a year to look after the graves. In the Qing Dynasty, there were light food in the to.

Dung the Ming Festival, the Chinese often offered delicious sacfices to their ancestors on the altar table at home. Food usually includes chicken, eggs or other dishes favored by the deceased ancestors, accompanied by ce. Dishes and utensils are carefully arranged to bng good luck.

Sometimes, a family will put on bning incense. In some parts of China, in order to speed up the tranission of nutents to their ancestors, people often fly kites on Tomb Sweeping Day in addition to the tradition of sacficing the dead. Kites can come in vaous shapes, sizes and colors, and patterns can include fgs, flies, butterflies, crabs, bats and storks.





The Ming To (13 Ming To) is a specially selected site a few kilometers north of Beijing. The site was chosen by Yongle, the third emper of the Ming Dynasty. He moved the capital of China fm Nanjing to present-day Beijing.

He was regarded as an idea of the layout of the ancient city. After the completion of Beijing and a number of landmarks and histoc sites, Emper Yongle chose the Forbidden City for bual and d his own msoleum. Fm Emper Yongle, the Ming Dynasty bued the Ming Dynasty in this area The to of the former o empers were not bued here near Nanjing (the capital of the rei of Jingtai emper), becse emper Tians denied that Jingtai was the tomb of the emper, but was bued to the west of Beijing.

The last emper Chongzhen who hanged himself in Apl was the last one bued here. It was named Siling by the Qing emper, but it was much aller than him. The Ming Dynasty msoleum site was carefully selected according to the pnciple of Fengshui (geomantic omen).

Therefore, evil spits and evil winds fm the North must be tranerred. An arc-shaped area at the foot of Jundu mountain in the north of Beijing was selected as the one square kilometer area It is sunded by mountains in a pmitive and quiet valley, full of dark soil, quiet water and other necessities. According to the requirements of fengshui, this area will become the cemetery of the Ming Dynasty.

The tomb is sunded by a wall, and a sn kilometer long ad named "Linglu" leads to the most well preserved architectal complex of centy Chinese art and architecte. The fnt door of the complex is a huge three arch, painted red, known as the "big red gate.". At present, three to have been excavated: Changling, the largest Tomb of Ding, whose undergund palace is open to the public.

Zhao Ling has nr excavated it since then, but new archaeological research and plans to fther open the tomb have been spread. In August, the Ming To were listed as a world cultal hetage site by UNESCO. Together with other to, the to were listed as "Ming and Qing Impeal Msoleums".






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