
发布时间:2022-03-30 11:49:07 阅读:681 点赞:0


关于”我与家人旅游“英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:I travel with my family。以下是关于我与家人旅游初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I travel with my family

1. Today, I saw a beggar on the side of the ad. He is a middle-aged man with only o arms and no legs.

His arm wanders on the hard gund and holds a begging bowl in his hand. It's so poor that I can't giving him one yuan. If we sacfice o love, the world will be bghter Today is the last day of the holiday.

I have sorted out my own things and my family's things to go to school. This holiday may be really fast, which makes me very reluctant. Tomorw will be the new semester.

I had a good time this morning. At that time, my family and I climbed the mountain very well. The air on the mountain was very fresh.

When I went home at night, the flowers and trees on the mountain were very betiful. My family and I sat together and watched TV. While we came back, we ate fruit and chatted.

As soon as the holiday started, I went back to my hometown. Of cose, I must make good use of it. I review my lessons in the morning, read newspapers and magazines in the afternoon, play ball s with my fends, go fishing in the ver in the ning, watch TV with my family, and as soon as the clock on the wall stkes ten, I go to bed.




I always get up early in the morning. I usually have breakfast at 6:30. I leave home in half an ho.

I'm nr late for school. There are many classes at 12:15 in the morning. I sometimes have lunch.

I'm not so busy after school in the afternoon. I have dinner with my family. After finishing my homework, I often play s with my family.

My family will let me relax. Although it is a busy day, I feel full and satiied.




1. Today, I saw a beggar on the side of the ad. He is a middle-aged man with only o arms and no legs.

His arm wanders on the hard gund and holds a begging bowl in his hand. It's so poor that I can't giving him one yuan. If we sacfice o love, the world will be bghter Today is the last day of the holiday.

I have sorted out my own things and my family's things to go to school. This holiday may be really fast, which makes me very reluctant. Tomorw will be the new semester.

I had a good time this morning. At that time, my family and I climbed the mountain very well. The air on the mountain was very fresh.

The flowers and trees on the mountain were very betiful when we came home at night. My family and I sat together and watched TV. We chatted and ate fruits while we came back.

The whole family was very happy and harmonious. At the beginning of the holiday, I went back to my hometown. Of cose, I had to make good use of it.

I reviewed my lessons in the morning, read newspapers and magazines in the afternoon, played ball s with fends in the ning, or went fishing in the ver. I watch TV with my family in the ning. The clock on the wall didn't stke ten when I went to bed.





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