
发布时间:2022-06-07 09:17:18 阅读:233 点赞:0




One day after school, Li Feng saw that the ewe and Xiaoyang were eating cps in the field, so Li Feng went to catch them, but the sheep didn't listen. The idea of what to do came into his mind. He held Xiaoyang and ran away.

The ewes met each other. A few minutes later, they left the farm.




Zhou Jielun (traditional Chinese: Simplified Chinese: Pinyin: zh ō u Ji é L ú n WadeGiles:Chou Chiehlun Pehōejī:Chiu Kiatln (born in January, is a Taiwan musician, singer, pducer, actor and director who won the world music award. In an art competition, he demonstrated his piano and song wting skills in the next o years. He was hired to compose for Chinese pop singers trained in classical music.

He combined Chinese and Western Music styles, combining R & B, ck and pop Music style songs cover issues such as domestic violence, war and banization. Since then, he has released his first album, Jay, with alfa music. Each album has sold millions of copies.

His music has been recoized in Asia, especially in China, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and overseas Chinese communities. In, he worked at Chatham House, a Btish think tank House) was selected as one of the most influential figes in China. His "d prefix" won the Golden Horse Award for best new actor.

He was nominated as the best supporting actor by the Hong Kong film awards becse his le in "Golden Flower cse" now extends to directing and operating his own record company JVR Music..


(繁体中文:简体中文:拼音:Zhōu Jiélún WadeGiles:Chou Chiehlun Pehōejī:Chiu Kiatln)(出生于xx月,是一位获得世界音乐奖音乐家、歌手、制作人、演员和导演,在一次才艺比赛中,他展示了自己在未来两年钢琴和歌曲创作技巧,他受聘为受过古典音乐训练流行歌手作曲,他结合和西方音乐风格创作融合R&B、摇和流行音乐风格歌曲,涵盖家庭暴力、战争和城市化等问题。自那时起,他在唱片公司Alfa music发行了首张名为Jay专辑每年一张专辑,每一张专辑销量达数百万张,他音乐在得到了认可,尤其是在、、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、新加坡、越南和海外华人社区,年,他在英国智库查塔姆之家(Chatham House)评选为最具影响力人物之一,他主演《D字头》获得金马奖最佳新人演员奖,他被奖提名为最佳男配角,因为他在《金花咒》中角现在扩展到导演和经营他自己唱片公司JVR音乐。。


Dear Li Jing, I am wting this letter to thank you for yo kindness. Last Fday, when I was watching a football match, you found my MP3 player on the playgund. You picked up my MP3 player and gave it back to me.

I am very grateful for yo kindness, Li Yizhen,.




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