
发布时间:2022-03-25 16:14:02 阅读:133 点赞:0


关于”现代与过去“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Modern and past。以下是关于现代与过去中考英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Modern and past

Mexico is a traveler's paradise, full of contrasting feates: desert landscapes, snow capped volcanoes, ancient ruins, thving industal cities, outdated colonial towns, dazzling resorts, barren beaches, and a collection of world-class flora and funat, Los Estados Unidos Mexico Felipe de Jes ú s Calder ó n Hinojosa / 0.7 ℃%.%. 6%. 3% Mexico City Mexico City) - ℃ - ℃ - this combination of modernity and tradition, cliche and sreali is the key to Mexico's charm.

Whether yo passion is to go back to Margata, listen to ang monkeys, sf Mexican pipelines, flip over Mayan ruins or expand yo collection of dead skeletons day, Mexico is happy all the year und, but 10 Month to May is usually the most enjoyable time to visit. September is hot and humid, especially in the south, while the temperate in the inteor is close to freezing point in December. Santa Cls Semana in February (the week before Easter) and Chstmas / New Year's facilities are often heavily reserved.

SIKO's climate is good for ryone: the coastal plains are hot and humid, and inland areas with higher elevation (such as guada) La Hara or Mexico City) are der and milder, try to avoid the southern coastal areas beeen July and September, and the resort is definitely wet and cwded.


墨西哥是一个旅行者天堂,充满了各种对立特征:沙漠景观、白雪皑皑火山、古老、繁盛工业化城市、过时殖民地城镇、耀眼度假胜地、荒芜海滩以及世界一流植物群和墨西哥福纳特集合,Los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa/0.7℃℃%.%6%.3%墨西哥城-墨西哥城)-℃-℃-这种现代与传统、陈词滥调与超现实结合,是墨西哥魅力关键,无论你是倒回玛格丽塔、听吼叫猴子、在墨西哥管道冲浪,翻过玛雅遗迹或扩大你收集亡骷髅墨西哥xx年四季都很愉快,但xx月至xx月通常是最愉快游览时间xx月期间炎热潮湿,尤其是在南部,而内陆温度在xx月接近冰点xx月塞马纳圣诞老人(复活节前一周)和圣诞节/新年期间设施经常被大量预订,西科气候对每个人都有好处:沿海平原炎热潮湿,内陆海拔较高地区(例如瓜达拉哈拉或墨西哥城)更燥、更温和,在xx月至xx月期间尽量避开南部沿海地区,度假胜地绝对是湿漉漉、拥挤不堪。


Learning a lifetime's career, food is for the body, learning for the soul is the same, o body gwth, muscular dlopment, adequate intake of nuttious food, we should learn day after day, in order to maintain o keen intelligence, expand o intelligence. Continuous learning pvides us with inexhstible power and pmotes us to impve o ability of reasoning, ysis and judent. Continuous learning is the most reliable way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and it is also an absolutely correct guarantee of success in uncertain peod.




We know that last Spng Festival, o country had a heavy snow, rything was covered with snow, it stopped buses, trains and planes, millions of people couldn't go home, many people were in tuble in some places, there was no food, water and light. O government called on people to fight against the snow in their school days. I think we should learn fm those hees.

We must Studying hard in school, we should learn all kinds of knowledge to make o motherland stnger, better and cher.




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