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关于”书是我最好朋友之一结尾“英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The book ends with one of my best fends。以下是关于书是我最好朋友之一结尾初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The book ends with one of my best fends

A person can usually be known thugh the books he reads and the fends he makes, becse there are both fendship and best partners beeen books and people. One should always live among the best fends, whether it is books or with me. A good book may be one of the best fends.

Today, it has always been like this. It will nr change. It is the most patient and hst partner.

It will not betray us when we are in adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness. When we are young, it always amuses us, teaches us, comforts and comforts us in Amen, often becse Love each other for a book and find each other's affinity, just as o people sometimes become fends becse of mutual adation, there is an old saying: love me, love my dog, but there is wisdom in it: love me, love my book, this book is real and higher-ll combination, people can think, feel and sympathize with each other thugh their favote wters Living together, and in them, a good book is often the best tning point in life.

It contains the best things that life can think of. For a person's life world, to a large extent, but in his thinking world, the best book is the trease house of good words. Once the golden thoughts are remembered and cheshed, they will become o forr Companions and comforters.

Books have the essence of immortality. They are the most lasting pducts of human efforts. Temples and statues will decay.

But it is meaningless that books can stand the of time. Great ideas are still fresh today, just as they first appeared in the thor's mind. Long ago, the words and thoughts of that time were still vividly pnted as before Tell us that the only function of time is to screen out bad pducts, becse nothing in literate can svive for a long time, but really good books bng us into the best society.

They bng us to the grea ideas of all time. When we hear them, do we see that they really live, we sympathize with them and share them with them We feel that we are with them to a certain extent. In the great and betiful scenes of immortality they descbe, n in this world preserved by books, their souls go abad.

Books are a living voice and a kind of wisdom, and they are still listening to them.




My best fend is a book. I call it diary. It is quiet and often talks to it, but it just listens.

At first, it nr answers me. I don't like it at all becse it's my homework. But now, I find it interesting to talk with it.

I can impve my wting skills. It's very good at listening to my heart. I can share my happiness and sadness Ht, it makes me feel relaxed, so I regard it as my best fend.




I have many fends, but Jim is one of my best fends, she is not handsome, but kind-hearted, we knew him in pmary school, he is the tallest in o class, he is good at learning and playing basketball, but not good at playing table tennis. Every time he has delicious food, he will send it to commemorate. Whenr I am sad, he will play with him and comfort me.

Howr, he does not He didn't spoil me. For example, ry time I encountered difficulties in my study, I wanted to copy him. Howr, no matter what I said, he nr gave me the homework to copy, but tght me how to do it.

No matter what difficulties I encountered, he would me. It was he who made me realize that a fend in need of is a fend. Maybe you will be spsed that my best fend is a book, but you don't have to dou you What do you hear? It's true.

Books are my best fends. I've loved reading since I was young. The knowledge in books makes me feel happy and calm when I'm not happy.

I'll go to my best fend's book, and then I'll forget the things that make me unhappy, and I'll be attracted by the books. I know the story of Helen Keller fm the book. I know the history of ancient times I think that books will always be my best fend.




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