
发布时间:2022-06-06 12:34:12 阅读:177 点赞:0




Time flies like an arw. We haven't realized that nothing is precious than time. An old saying "time is money" reminds us that time is precious and time will nr come back.

Unfortunately, some people do not make full use of their time. They spend a lot of time sleeping, chatting, playing comr s or other meaningless things. They don't realize that wasting time is actually suicide.

They always regret not achieving great achiments One reason may be that they don't make good use of their time. Therefore, in order to succeed, they should first form the habit of being punctual. This is a si of cheshing time.

Don't put off what can be done today until tomorw. Laziness will ntually lead to faile. Don't wait, becse you don't know how long it will take to postpone sowing.

We know about the meaning of this famous saying, what we get in o study or work The benefits.




We're all lost and we need o wife to be a navigator. Not long ago, Mrs. Jim Gere's face was bued in a map book.

Here, I didn't notice that there was no left tn si, but my Luca police stopped me nearby, and I ted to explain that we were lost, I was following my wife's instructions, and he gave me a picte of his wife's influence.




Time flies like an arw. We haven't realized that nothing is precious than time. An old saying "time is money" reminds us that time is precious and time will nr come back.

Unfortunately, some people do not make full use of their time. They spend a lot of time sleeping, chatting, playing comr s or other meaningless things. They don't realize that wasting time is actually suicide.

They always regret not achieving great achiments One reason may be that they don't make good use of their time. Therefore, in order to succeed, they should first form the habit of being punctual. This is a si of cheshing time.

Don't put off what can be done today until tomorw. Laziness will ntually lead to faile. Don't wait, becse you don't know how long it will take to postpone yo plan.




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